North Florida here.
North Florida here.
tampa area here
I'm going to ping this thread with plenty of time in advance. Probably around the end of March or early April I'll be in the central Florida area. If someone wants to take point on a meet up, I can try to lock down my dates early and do another meet up with some LOTRO goodies in tow.
This could be workable. I'm leaning towards either Friday April 4 or Saturday April 5th. I plan to be int he Orlampa area (Look it up!) on the 5th for sure, and Lakeland on the 6th for Sun N' Fun. So Those two evenings work best for me. I believe people requested a Saturday evening last time.
Sapience, I would be glad to take point again and get this set up. The winghouse worked great last time and seemed like a good place. So lets start the list of who will be attending in Central Florida
Official Date (T.B.D.)
Location Winghouse Orlando (location on map (Off of Highway 441 and 434 and Lee Road))
Menu: Wings.. Burgers.. Sandwiches... And More
Kickman +2
GrisinsRiders +1 (fixed for ya)
Ernuvorn +3
Doser +1
Rigormort +2
If anyone is bringing a +1 please let me know so I can add it to the count.
Can't wait to see you all there.
Last edited by kickman77; Jan 30 2014 at 11:21 PM.
Yeah that is one of the reasons I suggested it last year. Ill get the links up for it with a map shortly as well, so people can plan ahead. Cant beat good food, great staff and good beer.
Guild-Maxed Westemnet(T10) Metalsmith, (T10) Prospector, (T10) Tailor
Power-Leveling Newbies Since Update 7! ...Now with Multi-Boxing!!! :D
I'll be attending again. Had a great time last year. I live about 5 miles from Orlampa so the wing house would be great for me.
Just gonna add this as well, because Sapience has yet to mention it.. last year we raised a good amount of money for Extra Life through donations during dinner. So, if Sapience brings the bucket again... and if you can... please help support a great charity that does help kids... and lets show North Carolina how much Orlando ROCKS!!!
Also... I have this new Tolkien Trivia book I use for In game Trivia.... if maybe Sapience can sneak a few point code cards into the swag.... we can use that book and have a small fun Trivia game for PRIZES!!!!
Guild-Maxed Westemnet(T10) Metalsmith, (T10) Prospector, (T10) Tailor
Power-Leveling Newbies Since Update 7! ...Now with Multi-Boxing!!! :D
I like the trivia idea! I can probably find a number of points codes. I'm not sure what's still kicking around where, but codes I can absolutely do. Of course for those that missed last year and didn't get it I'll have the Well Met codes with me as well.
As for the bucket, it has been upgraded! Boston Children's Hospital gave me one of their official jars to use for 2014. So yes, I'll definitely be bringing that with me! Buffalo SMOKED everyone last year. So it will be interesting to see a little rivalry between NC and FL this time around.
Sapience... maybe if you made some sort of announcement in the Announcement section about the road trip we can get some more people involved (closer to the trip perhaps)
Son (Keld) and I (Xanthorr) from Riddermark will be there again this year...was a lot of fun last year and looking forward to more of the same this year.
XanThorr the Well-Met
"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup"
~~Beeornfree 116 Beorning of Evernight~~Xanthorr-1 111 High Elf Hunter of Evernight
~~Beeornfree 98 Beorning of Gladden~~Xanaxier 105 Guardian of Gladden~~Xanthorr-1 104 Hunter of Gladden
~~Beeornfree 108 Beorning of Landroval
~~Beeornfree 60 Beorning of Arkenstone~~Xanthorr 35 High Elf Hunter of Arkenstone
~~Beeornfree 29 Beorning of Brandywine~~Xanthorr 30 High Elf Hunter of Brandywine
~~Beeornfree 29 Beorning of Crickhallow~~Xanthorr 37 High Elf Hunter of Crickhallow
~~Beeornfree 64 Beorning of Anor~~Xan 51 High Elf Hunter of Anor
It's possible that I come, too. But there are some obstacles to be overcome and some variables I don't know yet how they will result...
At least one international guest should be there (when I don't missed that someone else here isn't from the USA, too...)
I found this hotel in Lakeland the Avenue Hotel Lakeland, 3405 S Florida Ave. Is right off the Parkway (toll Road) and I-4. for the travelers. Rooms start at 45$ a night. Although it might be higher as this is the web site cost. Pet Friendly
Also have the Imperial Swan Hotel & Suites is a bit more in price (I think). Not pet friendly
Found this place possible meeting place Rib Crib (main web site) 4960 S Florida Ave,
Lakeland, FL, 33813. Is a place I drive by while picking my Son up from work every week. Yet to eat there at this point. Would give me a reason to do so.
This would be a few miles south of the Parkway. And just north of the rib crib is a Wing House at
4515 S Florida Ave Lakeland, FL 33813.
Oh and I just found a Hooters close to the Avenue Hotel.
Would be happy to check in to these places next time I am in Lakeland, or take a drive over there depending on when Son comes back in town, to set something up for everyone if no one minds. I don’t think I could make Orlando as it’s a little too far for me to go as I can’t stay overnight having two dogs to care for at this time, An Elderly Mother that has been ill for a month along with my health issues.
If you Google any of the addresses I posted everything is between East Edgewood Drive and Lake Miriam Drive. On South Florida Ave.
Landroval Yewlin level 140 hunter (7/11/2022), Gwenyan 115, Yewdalin 103. And Many Others
Thoughts of Blessings for Each of You. Ask God to help you.
Signup Date 3/31/2009
I'm in Saint Petersburg