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Hi all. Looking to start a Captain and am hoping to get some updated advice. I've dug through what looks like Helm's Deep relevant info on the Cappy, but still have a few questions:
- Red line for my trait build? Red/yellow mix or red/blue mix for solo levelling? Seems the self-heals would be the most useful here.
- I understand Captain DPS to be about "80%" of a Champ/Burg in instances: is that about right? Obv. Cappy's bring additional group utility beyond that.
- Soloing elites, scenarios and/or 3 mans when levelling: doable? Red or yellow?
- Herald or Archer? (does it matter?)
- Tanking and/or healing in groups during levelling: more than viable? Need an alternate set of gear to do well?
- Crafting: Armourer or Armsman? Is having "okay" armor and a "great" crafted weapon better than great armor and an "okay" weapon?
- Any other advice?
I'd think a simple all red build would be a good default for the first 30 or so levels. I'd recommend just swapping between simple all red/all blue/all yellow lines as you level just to get the feel for each one. You do get self heals in every line, but their strength does vary depending on your selections.
I usually run with the Herald of Hope when I level, but they have changed the game's stats a couple times since the last time I was in much danger, so I'm not so sure. If the devs haven't improved the heralds, it really doesn't matter which one you pick. They're all just there to be the target of Shield-Brother/Blade-Brother/Other-Brother and are otherwise useless.
While grouping while leveling, just pick the role that the group finds most useful. If the group is lacking in healing, trait for healing. If the group needs a tank, trait for tanking. If otherwise, trait for dps to make the run go more quickly.
For crafting, either Armsman or Armourer are good bets. I like to pick a profession that makes my class's legendary items, so both of these will help you there. Unless you make a strong effort to level your crafting, it is really easy to outlevel your crafting skills. If you put in the effort, however, armourers can make the most number of useful items. But improving your weapon is still the number one way to improve your character. It's the basis of all your dps. DPS! Also, you can find armour pretty easily if you want to run instances as you level.
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Firstly: thanks for the help!
Just to clarify: when you specialise in (say) Red line, do you need to put 35 points in Red to get the final 35pt trait (Master of War), or does just having 35 points across all trees suffice?
You need to buy 35 traits. Traits cost one point each in (say) the Red line, but 2 points each in the other lines.
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Great. Given my dabbling in LOTRO and the older state of the game, I expect to be playing alone through quests/etc a fair bit. Having the capability to solo content (rather than skip it entirely) is a nice plus. I get the feeling that the Captain can solo content as well as a Champ or Burg, and not quite as well as a Guard?
Captains are perfectly adequate in this regard. They are a fun class. They are one of the best soloing classes, since they have no obvious weaknesses. They probably won't fail escort quests unless you go afk.
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No kin as of yet! Attempting to sustain myself, so I'll likely go armourer and rely on quest rewards/drops for my Halberd.
See above!
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. ~ Faramir
Undo the U12 class changes. The trait trees were, are, and will always be a bad idea.
Maedhric 105 Captain, Nunion 110 Champion, Taraviel 85 Minstrel, etc...