Raids for this week. Havnt been able to mail out in freep mail but saturday ill be on like noon till 3. Hopefully action continues after. And then as normal on sunday all afternoon. Hope everyone comes out ready to bump heads. Saltytroll
Raids for this week. Havnt been able to mail out in freep mail but saturday ill be on like noon till 3. Hopefully action continues after. And then as normal on sunday all afternoon. Hope everyone comes out ready to bump heads. Saltytroll
Will prolly move my hunter back soon when it's geared - looking forward to it
Awesome! Definately looking foward to it. Action is good. You wont be disappointed. Regular off hours are like everywhere else. Get your dailys etc. But sunday evenings, have been amazing. Everyone on windy should be proud of it. Staying out reguardless if the sides get unbalanced for a period of time. Lots of old time players been logging back on. So much new blood has poured into it. Its been great. Looking foward to anyone else with interest to come out as well. Saltytroll
Raid on saturday and sunday. Good action again this past sunday. Keep it up windfola.
Worth bringing a reaver here?
Hahaha. Well off hours can be barren. But this past sunday was absolutely insane. Prob a solid 14v20 plus the solos out there. Really great time. its worth coming out on the raid days. Talk to ppl on the server. windy is coming back. saltytroll
It does sounding interesting, sort of. But off hours as you put it having 0 people out there is terrible, having one day for a few hours of raids just doesn't appeal to me I guess. Rather have steady action all day everyday and extremely busy weekends fighting more challenging players. Perhaps after they close some servers windfola might get population back. As it stands I can't justify a transfer fee to come back and roam around for hours being bored killing greenies and bad players then find a craid once maybe twice a week sadly.
Raids all day tomorrow. Hopefully a lot of you can come out. saltytroll
Hahaha i love it ^
So I xferred (one of) my minstrel(s) back, had some nice action for around 1 hour.
I might move my captain back. convince me in 20 words or send nudes.
Ok Crum.. here you 20 plus words.....
First of all, I'm here, and that should suffice.
Second, who would miss the chance to see -o- return to it's former glory.
Arathain is here, and has not changed 1 bit
Defy will answer tells, and is going to start rez camping creeps in the near future.
I have my cappy at lvl max, but desire to roll with you on some freep /creep adventures.
Last of all.. your knowledge is needed on creep / freep side.
And we all miss you. except for Wahime.
yours truly..
Ishhur / Easymoney
Reading this depressed me.
Need my girl nyriens. Where is she
Moved my little half geared burg back last night, had a blast surprisingly.
Last edited by spikethe3rd; Feb 19 2015 at 05:31 AM.
Last night it was mentioned to me what happened to those raids on sundays. unfortunately i have been a hit or miss and havnt had the time. but thank you arathain for sparking it again. I messaged 25+ freeps in mail. This sunday 4/19 usa eastern time 10am-6pm ill be on and out. Please spread the word. The action has slowed down and its time for at least one good day of chaos. Hopefully i can get a bit more time and continue it. also will be out 4/16 4/17 4/18 from noon til about 3pm usa eastern again. Hope to kill you or be killed. Saltytroll
I'm out of town for a while but I'll pop out. Granted I'll be on a less than capable computer but bear with me. If there's a decent creep group that can actually put up a fight without the need for 3 war leaders and 4 defilers I'll put a small group together and fight you all.