First of all, if you are going to correct people on their punctuation and grammar, at least get it right yourself. This thread's title is incorrect. I believe you meant "curiosity". Also,
But that really isn't what I came here for. I came here to call you out on your hypocrisy, seeing as you are a member of Cojones. Members from your tribe accuse us of wanting to take all the DoF buffs and camp Grams. We never do, at least not on purpose. And yet, what does your tribe do? The first thing you do when Dunc logs in is taking the DoF buffs (not often unhindered these days, but still), preferably taking a couple of keeps, and then "flanking" the ungrouped freeps, calling it "12v30", because the other creeps who just so happened to be around do not count, of course.
You then proceed to flip all the outposts and camp GV. There have been plenty of occasions where my kin and I tried to flip back some outposts and take a keep, because we had literally no buffs, save the outnumbered buff. However, shortly after taking either of the aforementioned, there is usually a Cojones zerg coming right for us, and not just three or four, no, the entire raid of twelve, for the two, three or sometimes four of us.
You say you are all about fair fights? How come that you never show any of this? You always hug LoLs raids, despite claiming you do not, and despite claiming that you "hate" them. There has been an occasion where your raid stood down, as agreed upon by Dunc and I, when we engaged LoLs, but that was only because he sought retribution for what LoLs did to you earlier, not because he cares about the fairness of fights.
It wasn't long ago that we had a raid of twelve and had to fend off more than thirty creeps, because the combined forces of LoLs and Cojones showed up. And yet, even after more than ten minutes, you were still there, fighting alongside them. How can you still keep up this false pretence of wanting "fair fights"?
You say you are all about fair fights? How come Dunc always calls out my kin's groups, even when the numbers are 3:1 in your favour? He often does not even specify numbers, to make it appear as if there's a large bunch of freeps at his location, while it is usually six of us, at most. If you truly cared for fair fights, how come you are so eager to call in the rest of the creeps, when the fight is, in fact, fair (I mean, 2-3:1 seems quite fair considering the level of skill usually displayed by your tribe members).
I will forgo talking of the fact that you call us out for having spies, but keep spies in DoF yourself and use them to call out freeps when they attempt to take any bosses. I will forgo talking about the eternal bragging in OOC, that is completely unfounded.
A long post short, you and your tribe members bring hypocrisy to new levels. You do not engage in fair fights, nor do you care for them. You only care for points. The easier, the better. The more, the better. That, of course, entirely leaves out the fact that even if you do try to engage in a fair fight, it won't end up so well for you, as we have seen in the past, numerous times. And please, do not try to deny that. I have video evidence of you wiping against half or less than half your numbers.
Until we meet again,
PS. Actually let me just leave this here for everybody's entertainment:
Last edited by Aeviternus; Jun 22 2016 at 07:37 AM.
Fair play?
What like this.
Dont make me laugh.
If you cant beat our giant heal stacked zerg, see above , without boxer grouped with you then you dont deserve points.
This was just after we had smashed the two "6" boxers.
You could always get more people, oh wait noone likes you.
Mortal Sword.
At what point in my post did I say that I am looking for fair play? I was pointing out your hypocrisy, nothing else.
But that does not even matter, you repeatedly stated in OOC that you wanted the boxer to come out, and so he did. If you ask someone to log in, you lose the right to complain when he does.
Also, we could easily take on the group you have in those screenshots with six, but guess what? You are nowhere to be found when we roam around the map, until you show up with the rest of the creep zerg behind you. By the way, take a look at the outposts in that screenshot. 4:0. coincidence? I think not.
And lastly, you did not even try to argue against what I said, which further proves my point: you are no more than a bunch of hypocrites.
PS. I actually challenge you to fight six of us with that group setup, as displayed in the screenshots, since you claim we can't beat you without the boxer on our side. Do you accept?
Last edited by Aeviternus; Jun 22 2016 at 06:47 AM.
the irony when cojones complain about multiboxing but they also have mambo in their tribe who was a well known wannabe snowbourn multiboxer, feelsbadman.
are you gonna kick him then?
or stop grouping with alloswen who got caught clubbing again?
or dont they count....?
i also didnt see any of you complain when devil was all day on wargs or spiders jerking off on freep faces. or the spider multiboxer, or the recent r6 warg one.
and please dont pretend the multiboxer on minnie has anything to do with cojones or legions making tribe craids when they log in.
it really breaks my heart everytime i log creep and watch these poor souls from legions being afk for 4-5 hours in grams doing nothing just waiting for a zigai or ratkille invite. loyal dogs they are. waiting zigi to throw that big bone! catch catch!! good boooooy ^)
Last edited by Evadar; Jun 22 2016 at 09:49 AM.
Failure (such a perfectly apt name), you are aware that freeps are far more versatile / powerful than creeps right? They way you constantly whine, you'd think that there was a level playing field.....
Regardless, you and your little chums regularly group and support the 'boxers who ruin the action for all.
No quarter.
Dunc/Dzumrat and members from his tribe regularly claim to wipe freeps 12v30. All I am doing is proving that they are talking nonsense. You'll never hear me say that 6 versus 6 is balanced if there are no rules involved. When you fight and lose against half your numbers, however, that is a different story.
Also thank you, for the compliment.
So?... What is the point you are trying to make here?Regardless, you and your little chums regularly group and support the 'boxers who ruin the action for all.
No quarter.
Mambo,,,no he left..we didnt make him feel welcome,,,,maybe it was the multiboxing thing,,or maybe he just wanted back to LOLS.
10 v 37 ran from us between TR and GV last night.
There are no I want the boxer ,,yes..what part of smashing the 6 and 6 did u miss...but why does he only bring the 12 after al the eastern EU people have logged off?( coz he hates dying).
Ohh and by the way, when Devil logged wargs with the other moron , we disengaged and let them die,,,every time,,,and he logged freep..go figure.
How it works..I log in,,i see grams camp..i group , tribe and friends,,,we push out to Lug Bd....we take lug,,we take DOF , freeps hug GV,,,we get bored and log off,,,,,come on we are the loosing side,,,,its a group game...FELLOWSHIP, ,,, 10 v 37....and we at tell me?
The funniest part is that Phakdush, grammar geek, is in same tribe as Dzumbatt.
you really think you are fighting 10vs 37? they ones afk in gv all day are just kinless or dying kin members who just wait some random eldar freep like pontobald to invite them so they can make some rewown. same think applies to other side also, when i am in a 6man camping grams and like 20 creeps run back to 1shooters oocing like m4d i dont complain since i know they are either tribeless or waiting a tribe invite to zerg. last 2 months i was more active on freep than usual it was all the same. feailuve is duoed with narmiel all day long, then the fellowship goes 3man-4man and hardly 6man and creeps are just running around doing nothing until they get invited by either you dzumrat or zigai or some other random creep (which usually ends up being equall to pontobald fraids in terms of skill etc)
stopped logging in last week since irl activities but i expect things to be even worse when i come back. nevertheless enjoy your summer.
Closing this thread.