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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    things are missing

    I just left Broadacres on my latest char to lvl through it. I am sad. I play for the storytelling. I don't raid, only do the instances required for the Epic, and I truly enjoy the stories laid out through the quests. So, I was saddened by the quests missing from Stoke. I'm not sure how many are gone, but I KNOW there were things my earlier chars did that simply did not show up this time. This is not the first time I've run around an area searching for Quests I KNOW I did before, then sadly leaving to go on with a strange hole in my heart. I would really like to know why they do this. It bothers me, a lot, and I can't think of any good reason for chopping up a perfectly good story.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nothing's missing.

    You move on to the Stonedeans, do some quests there, and then get sent back to Broadacres to do the remaining quests. It's been that way since it was released.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Can you give us an example? I don't remember very many quests in the burned out husk of a town, putting out fires and following the tracks of the survivors and a few others, all leading up to he boss in the Meadhall.
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  4. #4
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    Apr 2013
    I already went on to the Stonedeans and back. Specificaly, I remember after Frithild dies, and after we've uncovered Ordlac's treachery and defeated him, there's a scene where we pick up her late husbands helm from where Ordlac had thrown it to the floor, to return it to her son. It isn't there now. There are other things in other places, but this one is the latest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Have you completed Epic Volume III, Book 12, Chapter 8? The rest of the quests after Assault on Bardh-doram in the Broadacres Betrayed quest line won't show until after it's completed due to phasing conditions.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hayne2 View Post
    Have you completed Epic Volume III, Book 12, Chapter 8? The rest of the quests after Assault on Bardh-doram in the Broadacres Betrayed quest line won't show until after it's completed due to phasing conditions.
    yes I have

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaxie View Post
    Specificaly, I remember after Frithild dies, and after we've uncovered Ordlac's treachery and defeated him, there's a scene where we pick up her late husbands helm from where Ordlac had thrown it to the floor, to return it to her son. It isn't there now. There are other things in other places, but this one is the latest.
    The quests in and around Stoke are pretty elaborate and I don't remember them precisely, so I did a little digging this morning to see what the situation might have been. The only reference to the helm I was able to turn up was in the quest 'Wards of Oserley,' which hasn't changed since Berephon fixed some bugs in 2013. Here's the line:

    'Thane Ordlac only feigns concern. He cares naught for me and my sister. Look how he has treated the helm of my honoured father...it has been tossed upon the floor. He is bold to take the seat where my father's helm has sat for as long as I can remember. I suppose that there is naught I can do. Perhaps if you could bring Engifu to the Mead Hall, she might comfort Edhild. She was told to remain at my mother's house.''

    Maybe that's the moment you believed you missed? I double-checked our items directory and found no sign of a clickable version of the helm, so I think it was never an item you would have been able to pick up and deliver. So I don't think we removed a step in this storyline -- as a general principle I'm against removing things; I'm much more likely to add story than I am to remove it!


  8. #8
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    Oct 2018
    Perhaps check your list of completed quests against the quest chain lists in wiki, to see if you've missed anything.

    You could also compare completed quests on your chars that have already been thru that area to see what quests they have done. That may be a way to 'sleuth' out whether there's been any changes in the quest chains since your earlier chars went thru.

    Good luck!

  9. #9
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    The quests in and around Stoke are pretty elaborate and I don't remember them precisely, so I did a little digging this morning to see what the situation might have been. The only reference to the helm I was able to turn up was in the quest 'Wards of Oserley,' which hasn't changed since Berephon fixed some bugs in 2013. Here's the line:

    'Thane Ordlac only feigns concern. He cares naught for me and my sister. Look how he has treated the helm of my honoured father...it has been tossed upon the floor. He is bold to take the seat where my father's helm has sat for as long as I can remember. I suppose that there is naught I can do. Perhaps if you could bring Engifu to the Mead Hall, she might comfort Edhild. She was told to remain at my mother's house.''

    Maybe that's the moment you believed you missed? I double-checked our items directory and found no sign of a clickable version of the helm, so I think it was never an item you would have been able to pick up and deliver. So I don't think we removed a step in this storyline -- as a general principle I'm against removing things; I'm much more likely to add story than I am to remove it!

    I will take your word for it, I guess I must have dreamed it or something. (entirely possible, after all, I AM the one who came awake after surgery panicking because my healing pots weren't working and I was about to die.... :P )

    of course, if you feel like adding something, a scene where we can pick it up and return it to his son with a respectful bow would be a nice touch...

  10. #10
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    Oct 2018
    If you accepted the quest "To the Stonedeans" from the Westemnet Scout, you will not receive the quest "Aid the Stonedeans" from Torferth. This is very unpleasant, because the quest from the scout is just a vector to the next area and the quest from Torferth contains several interesting dialogues with the characters involved in the Broadacres storyline. The same thing happens with several other final quests of Westemnet - vector quests of the Westemnet Scout replace story quests.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2018
    Flaxie, there is a quest in one of the houses where you place Frithild's shield maiden gear on her as part of a funeral ceremony - shield and sword. There is also the quest in the mead hall where you pick up a cup of water when Frithild collapses. Perhaps you are remembering those quests?

  12. #12
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Chirrup View Post
    Flaxie, there is a quest in one of the houses where you place Frithild's shield maiden gear on her as part of a funeral ceremony - shield and sword. There is also the quest in the mead hall where you pick up a cup of water when Frithild collapses. Perhaps you are remembering those quests?
    I did both of those. No, I'm afraid MOL is right, it wasn't there, but it bugged me so much that my subconscious "fixed" the disrespect for me.

    He did, after all, take the time and trouble to go look it up for me. For which I am grateful, it was an unexpected kindness.

  13. #13
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    Oct 2018
    In the quest "Aid the Stonedeans", after exposing Ordlac's betrayal, the player character talks to Lufa, Frithbert and Edhild to get their gratitude and find out what will happen to them and Broadacres in the future. These dialogues will not be if you previously accept the quest "To the Stonedeans" from Westemnet Scout (and this is very easy to do, because To the Stonedeans is available immediately after reaching level 92, and "Aid the Stonedeans" requires completing the entire Broadacres quest chain and several epic quests in Stonedeans). I once almost cried when I realized that one of my characters would not see the final scene of the Broadacres plot because of a previously accepted vector quest. This is not the only quest in Westemnet that is lost due to receiving vector quests from a Westemnet scout, but it is "Aid the Stonedeans" that is especially important for the story.

    Now I never talk to a Westemnet scout and do not accept quests from him, but it would be better if his quests did not block access to story quests or the player would be warned that the scout quests are intended for those who do not want to go through the quest chains in each area to the end, but just want to immediately get a vector to the next area, just to level up.

    *Sorry, English is not my native language.
    Last edited by Daelinde; Jun 24 2021 at 11:05 PM.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaxie View Post
    I will take your word for it, I guess I must have dreamed it or something. (entirely possible, after all, I AM the one who came awake after surgery panicking because my healing pots weren't working and I was about to die.... :P )

    of course, if you feel like adding something, a scene where we can pick it up and return it to his son with a respectful bow would be a nice touch...
    When I read your post I conflated these two quests and thought I remembered the quest you missed.

    There is an earlier quest before Frithild dies - Gifts for the Children - where they ask you to bring back trophies for them. You must actively loot bodies of enemies to pick up the four trophies: sword, armor, shield, and shortsword and bring them to the children.


    The East Rohan quest Vestige of the Fallen starts when you pick up a helmet, sword, and shield of Pendrath from the ground. You return them to his wife Thane Mildreth in Ethengels. Her young son gets involved in combat alongside you in this arc.


    Maybe you misremembered as I just did.
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daelinde View Post
    In the quest "Aid the Stonedeans", after exposing Ordlac's betrayal, the player character talks to Lufa, Frithbert and Edhild to get their gratitude and find out what will happen to them and Broadacres in the future. These dialogues will not be if you previously accept the quest "To the Stonedeans" from Westemnet Scout (and this is very easy to do, because To the Stonedeans is available immediately after reaching level 92, and "Aid the Stonedeans" requires completing the entire Broadacres quest chain and several epic quests in Stonedeans). I once almost cried when I realized that one of my characters would not see the final scene of the Broadacres plot because of a previously accepted vector quest. This is not the only quest in Westemnet that is lost due to receiving vector quests from a Westemnet scout, but it is "Aid the Stonedeans" that is especially important for the story.

    Now I never talk to a Westemnet scout and do not accept quests from him, but it would be better if his quests did not block access to story quests or the player would be warned that the scout quests are intended for those who do not want to go through the quest chains in each area to the end, but just want to immediately get a vector to the next area, just to level up.

    *Sorry, English is not my native language.
    This did indeed happen. I am posting a sticky on the monitor to avoid that dastardly scout from now on.

  16. #16
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    Oct 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaxie View Post
    This did indeed happen. I am posting a sticky on the monitor to avoid that dastardly scout from now on.
    Yes, this scout is a real trap for players, some of whom will never even know that they missed part of the storyline. It looks like a mistake in the quests design.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Please excuse my necro- is this still a problem, or has it been fixed? I'm currently working through Western Rohan and already accepted the vector quests from the Westemnet Scout. If this blocks out future quests and causes the player to miss out on important story information, that's very frustrating. The Westemnet Scout is prominently placed right in your way as soon as you enter Western Rohan, so it's unlikely that any new players have experienced the full story in Broadacres etc.

  18. #18
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaxie View Post
    I just left Broadacres on my latest char to lvl through it. I am sad. I play for the storytelling. I don't raid, only do the instances required for the Epic, and I truly enjoy the stories laid out through the quests. So, I was saddened by the quests missing from Stoke. I'm not sure how many are gone, but I KNOW there were things my earlier chars did that simply did not show up this time. This is not the first time I've run around an area searching for Quests I KNOW I did before, then sadly leaving to go on with a strange hole in my heart. I would really like to know why they do this. It bothers me, a lot, and I can't think of any good reason for chopping up a perfectly good story.
    I had towns multiple towns with no quests when running my 12th or more char through West Rohan. After visiting every town again looking for rings I resorted to the tedious comparison of my finished quests with wiki stepping back thru the prerequisites for each quest and given West Rohan quests are chained to death and eventually discovered that I had missed a pop up quest near Oserley to kill 2 named mounted mobs. REALLY ANNOYING as I had noticed the quest was missing and had even run around town looking for it as I recalled an npc in town that was associated with the quest. It then required 15-20 minutes of running tight grids to get it to pop. It did fix the problem tho as all the forward towns that usually had rings had them again so painful as it is suggest suffering a meticulous comparison of quest log with Prerequisites West Rohan quests in wiki starting where you last were and working back.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by OldMadeOfLions View Post
    The quests in and around Stoke are pretty elaborate and I don't remember them precisely, so I did a little digging this morning to see what the situation might have been. The only reference to the helm I was able to turn up was in the quest 'Wards of Oserley,' which hasn't changed since Berephon fixed some bugs in 2013. Here's the line:

    'Thane Ordlac only feigns concern. He cares naught for me and my sister. Look how he has treated the helm of my honoured father...it has been tossed upon the floor. He is bold to take the seat where my father's helm has sat for as long as I can remember. I suppose that there is naught I can do. Perhaps if you could bring Engifu to the Mead Hall, she might comfort Edhild. She was told to remain at my mother's house.''

    Maybe that's the moment you believed you missed? I double-checked our items directory and found no sign of a clickable version of the helm, so I think it was never an item you would have been able to pick up and deliver. So I don't think we removed a step in this storyline -- as a general principle I'm against removing things; I'm much more likely to add story than I am to remove it!

    Copying my reply to Flaxie here as there is an issue with the pop up quest to kill 2 named mounted mobs near Oserley - and with pop up quests in general. "I had towns multiple towns with no quests which had been available on alts when running my 12th or more char through West Rohan. After visiting all prior towns looking for rings I resorted to the tedious comparison of my finished quests with wiki stepping back thru the prerequisites for each quest given West Rohan quests are chained to death and eventually discovered that I had missed a pop up quest near Oserley to kill 2 named mounted mobs. REALLY ANNOYING as I had noticed the quest was missing and had even run around town looking for it as I recalled an npc in town that was associated with the quest. It then required 15-20 minutes of running tight grids to get it to pop. It did fix the problem tho as all the forward towns that usually had rings had them again so painful as it is suggest suffering a meticulous comparison of quest log with Prerequisites West Rohan quests in wiki starting where you last were and working back.

    If the kill 2 named mounted mobs quests used to be given by an npc in town put it back there as pop ups are unreliable. Can be near others and some get it and some don't. When teamed we always announce when get one as a workaround for this. Not sure if cause is lag or too small radius for pop up zone but suggest widening them considerably. It really did take me at least 15 minutes of riding tight grids to get it the quest to pop as a first grid of approx 1.5 horse lengths hadn't worked.

  20. #20
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Halphast View Post
    Please excuse my necro- is this still a problem, or has it been fixed? I'm currently working through Western Rohan and already accepted the vector quests from the Westemnet Scout. If this blocks out future quests and causes the player to miss out on important story information, that's very frustrating. The Westemnet Scout is prominently placed right in your way as soon as you enter Western Rohan, so it's unlikely that any new players have experienced the full story in Broadacres etc.
    Wow! Imagine my surprise to see this old thing again!

    As far as I know this has not been changed, I have run several more
    characters through and always avoid all of these scouts and their
    sneaky cheat quests. It is indeed a nasty trap for a completionist.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaxie View Post
    As far as I know this has not been changed, I have run several more
    characters through and always avoid all of these scouts and their
    sneaky cheat quests. It is indeed a nasty trap for a completionist.
    How sad! It's been many years since I ran a character through Rohan and I thought the stories were great. Such a shame that parts of it permanently go down the toilet with no warning thanks to those scouts and the new vector quests. Was it really so complicated that new vectors were needed? Let alone bugged vectors that cut out original content.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nonde View Post
    I had towns multiple towns with no quests when running my 12th or more char through West Rohan. After visiting every town again looking for rings I resorted to the tedious comparison of my finished quests with wiki stepping back thru the prerequisites for each quest and given West Rohan quests are chained to death and eventually discovered that I had missed a pop up quest near Oserley to kill 2 named mounted mobs. REALLY ANNOYING as I had noticed the quest was missing and had even run around town looking for it as I recalled an npc in town that was associated with the quest. It then required 15-20 minutes of running tight grids to get it to pop. It did fix the problem tho as all the forward towns that usually had rings had them again so painful as it is suggest suffering a meticulous comparison of quest log with Prerequisites West Rohan quests in wiki starting where you last were and working back.
    There is also currently an issue where popup quests in the Stonedeans are not appearing. Maybe this also affects a few quests in Broadacres... I'm thinking of dropping my character who's currently in Stoke until this all gets fixed.



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