Originally Posted by
After reach lv 140, with reforge 1st weapon, here is the deal:
1H = 3k500-5100k
Mastery = 1.050kk (with possibility to do 1.100kk)
Critical = 430k
Might = 132k
But all this is very confuse since there are improves to make in all LI tracerys.
Well given the stat cap at 140 are (taken from here : https://lotro-wiki.com/index.php/Character_Stats )
Crit: 1,247,000
PM: 1,684,000
I'd say you have some way to go but equally don't panic unduly, it's still early days the longer we spend at level cap, the more gear options there are and the easier it is get near cap, even if you aren't a T5 raider.
Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)