Just tried logging in and received this error message. Do I now have to repair the game and download all the files?
Then I get the second message
authentication response (err.unexpected end of files) (line 1) (col 1 )
What's going on?
Just tried logging in and received this error message. Do I now have to repair the game and download all the files?
Then I get the second message
authentication response (err.unexpected end of files) (line 1) (col 1 )
What's going on?
I dance for cookies!
So no worry they are fixing the RK satchel problem?
I dance for cookies!
Thank you for starting this thread. I am having the exact same error messages, and am not thrilled about reloading the whole game from scratch which I just had to do yesterday.
So, we'll just sit stay until it is resolved on the LOTRO end.
Last I saw they weren't fixing anything yet - they were investigating what went wrong.
Things may be down a long time unless they can figure it out fast - and even then the timing depends on what they need to fix and whether a rollback is needed.
over the last couple months I've noticed that message pop up or some very similiar .
I dont pay it any mind I realize that ssg is still in the process of updating .
And I will check back in periodically untill the game loads .
Updating is far from an exact science and if ssg runs long doing an update its not worth fretting about .
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
"Could you at least open the patch server so we can download the patch, and keep the servers closed?"
Won't help you. At worst it will cause problems since you would be downloading a bugged patch. When they have the fix they will surely have a fixed patch to download.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
So what exactly was the satchel bug anyway?
The satchel bug was that satchels went bye-bye. They just weren't there when the rune-keepers were logged on. Not a problem for the other 10 classes but a fairly major one for a runekeeper.
I think I stupidly uninstalled LOTRO and now it will not install again. Is that because the servers are still down?
I suggest that anyone that knows enough to come to the forums when there is a problem (not all of us even know there are forums hard as that is for we forum regulars to understand) should take one very basic step *before* posting about the problem or uninstalling. It is an enormously simple step. Go to where it says Dev Tracker in the heading above - between Forum and Community Guidelines. Click it. If the developers have said anything about the problem you will be able to see it very easily.
Failing this - take 30 seconds to see if there are any recent posts whose captions indicate they are about the same problem.
I actually tried to log in to DDO for the first time in years. Not to replace LOTRO but to supplement it. Got the "no subscription found" error because the account had the same name as the LOTRO account. Not that any explanation actually said this. Just as incomprehensible to the customer as LOTRO error messages. Got the "can't change the name of the account so it is different from LOTRO because the email has already been used - for the name we refuse to accept" error. Complete Catch 22.
SSG can be just as infuriating on the other side of the house as they are here.
The requirement that different accounts be used for DDO vs LOTRO was around during the Turbine years. I opened a ticket about and after about a week they gave me a key that allowed me to add LOTRO to my DDO account. Which is why my DDO account is the same as my LOTRO account.
I know there were times I could use the account - because I did play DDO for a while. Decided I preferred LOTRO for various reasons including the greater focus on landscape rather than underground dungeons.
Not a big deal if they could just give me a new account I would be content. Put a ticket in today.
I have suggested more than once over the years that it would be nice to have a shared game option as many companies do. For convenience - even if subscribing to both games wasn't actually a savings. The wisdom of this suggestion has yet to be appreciated. Maybe one day.
I joined the game recently and the first time the error popped up, after the initial scare, it was very easy to find out the reason with a simple google search (gave back many many posts explaining it on forums and reddit), it surprises me there is a lot of people who seem to have been around way longer and get on a furious rant or do extreme things like trying to download the whole game again.