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  1. #26
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    My biggest problem is the Hobbit housing. They are too square. The in the new expansion of the shire there are homes and inns you can go into. These are what hobbit housing should be like. Round tunnels and small hallways. The current Hobbit housing feels like I'm in a Gym. I hope if they ever come out with new shire homes that they are more authentic.

  2. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobbit1968 View Post
    My biggest problem is the Hobbit housing. They are too square. The in the new expansion of the shire there are homes and inns you can go into. These are what hobbit housing should be like. Round tunnels and small hallways. The current Hobbit housing feels like I'm in a Gym. I hope if they ever come out with new shire homes that they are more authentic.
    Oh I agree, especially with the kin-hall. Even something like Bag End's interior would've been much preferable, and the new Shire wall items are vertical, not curved. The most one could probably do is to stack different walls overtop of each other to try to give more of a circular feel.

    That does give me some ideas, come to think of it!

    Scenario really opened Pandora's Box with the new Dwarven stuff. It makes me wish we could have the same for other awesome assets like the various Gondorian, Rohirric, Daleish, Lake-Town, Elven ruins, Elven buildings, Bree-style buildings, Hobbit-holes, etc., throughout the game, just as they did with all the Dwarven assets. It would be pretty cool to like put a fortress wall you can climb outside of a Gondorian premium house, for example.

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post

    RE: Exterior to Interior Deco - There are a ton of great decoration items in LOTRO, and one of my long term goals is to audit those items to see what yard decorations make sense to introduce as interior decorations as well (and vice versa).

    RE: Game Assets as Deco - As for game assets that aren't deco items yet, I could see making a "wishlist" thread in the housing subforum and use that as a place for players to suggest things that could be turned into Deco.

    RE: Hook Consolidation - Looking at Yard Hooks for consolidation

    RE: More Hooks
    I've recently made these suggestions here on the forum but wasn't aware you're already working on all of these, great to know! One thing you didn't mention though is Extending the Range of Exterior Hooks (interior could benefit from this too sometimes but it's usually the Typical Exterior Problem -> decorating something like large Gondor Premium Exterior in more creative ways is sometimes a huge pain, can't really have things where you want them). Perhaps you would be able to do something about it and extend their range while working on Yard Hooks Consolidation @Scenario ?

    All of these would really raise the housing experience to YET ANOTHER LEVEL~ can't wait! I'll make sure to post some suggestions in the Game Assets 'wishlist' thread because I've got many ideas. Will probably organize them by underlying theme and/or faction, or something like that. Is it ok to post Yard Structure/Building suggestions too? Now that it's a 'thing' No endless spam with 'Building Piece B' and 'Building Piece C Decorated' , just pieces that I find unique and most useful/befitting

    PS: also, is Y Axis movement on Yards for old neighborhoods on the table?
    Last edited by TesalionLortus; May 25 2022 at 03:40 PM.

  4. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    Scenario really opened Pandora's Box with the new Dwarven stuff. It makes me wish we could have the same for other awesome assets like the various Gondorian, Rohirric, Daleish, Lake-Town, Elven ruins, Elven buildings, Bree-style buildings, Hobbit-holes, etc., throughout the game, just as they did with all the Dwarven assets. It would be pretty cool to like put a fortress wall you can climb outside of a Gondorian premium house, for example.
    Once I get out from under my current projects, I want to do another BIG housing item drop - with a lot of things from the Asset Request thread. I also want to get some more building-block style items, such as stairs. Erebor was a great opportunity to lean heavy on one specific theme for decorations - this next bunch of housing items wouldn't have as focused a theme and would be a broader set. No ETA on that yet, though - I'm working on other stuff first (its not at all related to all the Behemoth Deep-claws I've been hiding around the world since Moria).

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    I've recently made these suggestions here on the forum but wasn't aware you're already working on all of these, great to know! One thing you didn't mention though is Extending the Range of Exterior Hooks (interior could benefit from this too sometimes but it's usually the Typical Exterior Problem -> decorating something like large Gondor Premium Exterior in more creative ways is sometimes a huge pain, can't really have things where you want them). Perhaps you would be able to do something about it and extend their range while working on Yard Hooks Consolidation @Scenario ?

    All of these would really raise the housing experience to YET ANOTHER LEVEL~ can't wait! I'll make sure to post some suggestions in the Game Assets 'wishlist' thread because I've got many ideas. Will probably organize them by underlying theme and/or faction, or something like that. Is it ok to post Yard Structure/Building suggestions too? Now that it's a 'thing' No endless spam with 'Building Piece B' and 'Building Piece C Decorated' , just pieces that I find unique and most useful/befitting

    PS: also, is Y Axis movement on Yards for old neighborhoods on the table?
    Exterior hooks are always going to be a tricky thing to manage - in large part because we want to do what we can do prevent players from encroaching on each others spaces. Erebor Housing was a necessary experiment with putting interior style hooks outside because otherwise the properties nestled on top of each other in a stack just wouldn't work (normal exterior hooks assume that they will have terrain - not physics - to snap to in order to follow along the ground as you move it).

    As we add new neighborhoods and/or neighborhood features, we will continue to experiment with concepts and push on what the housing system is and what it could be. I have a long-game roadmap that I am slowly working towards, one update at a time.

    (I'm not that much of a mad-man)

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Once I get out from under my current projects, I want to do another BIG housing item drop - with a lot of things from the Asset Request thread. I also want to get some more building-block style items, such as stairs. Erebor was a great opportunity to lean heavy on one specific theme for decorations - this next bunch of housing items wouldn't have as focused a theme and would be a broader set. No ETA on that yet, though - I'm working on other stuff first (its not at all related to all the Behemoth Deep-claws I've been hiding around the world since Moria).
    Awesome news, even with no ETA. I appreciate very much this effort.
    Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
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  7. #32
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    Talking about yard items...

    could you please allow to move the yard decoration items up and down, only by a little bit? I don't want to make the Stone of Erech fly in the sky; but making a sunken pond or pedestal rise enough to level it with the surface (as it was originally intended), would be great.

    Greetings, Polymachos
    Räuberhöhle auf Belegaer, Breelandsiedlung, Ochsbott, Lange Straße 5. Vorsicht, Fallen!
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    Scared people tend to follow the flock, no matter which shepherd it has

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Exterior hooks are always going to be a tricky thing to manage - in large part because we want to do what we can do prevent players from encroaching on each others spaces. Erebor Housing was a necessary experiment with putting interior style hooks outside because otherwise the properties nestled on top of each other in a stack just wouldn't work (normal exterior hooks assume that they will have terrain - not physics - to snap to in order to follow along the ground as you move it).
    Yeah, the "interior" style of hooks with Y axis that aren't bound to the ground really makes decorating Erebor yards so much more fun, especially on my Crystal Cave Property where yard is smaller without balconies/sections so I can really reach everywhere with all hooks and distances aren't a problem. Haven't even realized the two were like "separate physics" of hooks but that actually makes sense. That's interesting though - with the "normal" exterior type of hooks which snap to the surface in legacy housing, on smaller properties, I am able to move things *outside* the bounds of the property but it doesn't create any issues because it won't be saved (the button for placing/saving is actually greyed out when outside the bounds of property). So makes me wonder, if it doesn't create issues there, why would it create encroaching on each others properties issues in Belfalas, for example? If the range of hooks was extended? Unless it's not a problem UNTIL a decoration can actually reach a yard of another owner at which point it would behave like it does on my own property so wouldn't be greyed out, if that's how the system works anyway, but idk just my guess and some of the legacy properties seem to be very close to each others too so it probably doesn't make sense what I just said.

    The actual technicality of it makes me curious now if you could indulge us

    Good to know there is a road map, thank you for all the housing effort. The choice of the gif xD Seems like we're in a good hands here

    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    I'm working on other stuff first (its not at all related to all the Behemoth Deep-claws I've been hiding around the world since Moria).
    Oh Scenario, you're dropping some bombs here... Someone gotta do a list of all the places where they've been spotted because I can't really think of any that I *actually remember* except cave claw system in Three Peaks and some people reporting them somewhere in Gundabad but I haven't actually stumbled upon any. So yeah, this is a pretty neat easter egg / plot point....

  9. #34

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Once I get out from under my current projects, I want to do another BIG housing item drop - with a lot of things from the Asset Request thread. I also want to get some more building-block style items, such as stairs. Erebor was a great opportunity to lean heavy on one specific theme for decorations - this next bunch of housing items wouldn't have as focused a theme and would be a broader set. No ETA on that yet, though - I'm working on other stuff first (its not at all related to all the Behemoth Deep-claws I've been hiding around the world since Moria).
    Oh thanks! I really could use a stairs decoration object (that actually can be climbed) at my house. It takes too many decoration slots to make stairs with wall items, even if they look gorgeous.

    On a slightly related theme about the building blocks object, ...Can we ever get floor panels items (bigger than already existing rugs) some day? So far i'm being using rugs to build small platforms. I love how the result look from top but from bottom they are invisible & find silly to see the floating furnitures from below. Also it takes too many rugs if i wish to make a bigger platform. Of course i don't expect it to happens on same already planed, big assets release but some time on the future way after those things that got requested 1st.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    Yeah, the "interior" style of hooks with Y axis that aren't bound to the ground really makes decorating Erebor yards so much more fun, especially on my Crystal Cave Property where yard is smaller without balconies/sections so I can really reach everywhere with all hooks and distances aren't a problem. Haven't even realized the two were like "separate physics" of hooks but that actually makes sense. That's interesting though - with the "normal" exterior type of hooks which snap to the surface in legacy housing, on smaller properties, I am able to move things *outside* the bounds of the property but it doesn't create any issues because it won't be saved (the button for placing/saving is actually greyed out when outside the bounds of property). So makes me wonder, if it doesn't create issues there, why would it create encroaching on each others properties issues in Belfalas, for example? If the range of hooks was extended? Unless it's not a problem UNTIL a decoration can actually reach a yard of another owner at which point it would behave like it does on my own property so wouldn't be greyed out, if that's how the system works anyway, but idk just my guess and some of the legacy properties seem to be very close to each others too so it probably doesn't make sense what I just said.
    The difference being that Erebor's yards are very square spaces and the hook ranges are very specifically set on a case-by-case basis to make sure that they can't be moved outside of their property. With all other housing exteriors (except maybe Rohan which each house gets its own landblock), they aren't square and that makes defining the movement ranges much more difficult. The headaches I had trying to get the exterior ambient music and environment volumes set up so that they wouldn't influence other properties was challenging. Original Neighborhoods are even more irregular.

    In future neighborhood offerings, we can take into consideration the placement of houses to better support certain newer hook types. But just making them available in older neighborhoods risks a lot of unfortunate behaviors. I would love to investigate a way to make original style exterior hooks moveable anywhere within the landblock volume of the property, instead of relative to the central object of the property. But I don't want to go writing checks that our engineers have to cash without having conversations with them first.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    I would love to investigate a way to make original style exterior hooks moveable anywhere within the landblock volume of the property, instead of relative to the central object of the property. But I don't want to go writing checks that our engineers have to cash without having conversations with them first.
    Thanks for indulging us. Sounds like there is a lot more happening under the hood there than I first realized. Glad to know it's something you're considering for the future and that you'll definitely take this into account with yards in newer neighborhoods, at the very least. Thanks!

    Hint hint: It depends on what would be next on the plate in terms of housing spaces (and if it's hobbit-themed by any chance, then probably doesn't fit what I'm about to suggest!) but with 'yard buildings', other structures and stairs you've mentioned, also with yard hook consolidation in the future, and assuming we would be able to move yard decorations more freely within extended ranges, feels like we could really use an open-space property yard. No yard "sections" no "balconies" no "levels" but just a giant singular square or something like that (even larger than Belfalas space) to accommodate all these structures, with cool terrain features on the property itself maybe (more rocks, smaller hills, ravines, canyon?) and one side of the property put on some natural barrier like a hill, mountain slope or edge of the river/lake. Because then we could REALLY use all the presently included and incoming giant structures as well as enormous yard decos and build things like... idk, little villages, hubs, farms, citadels, war camps, you name it I'm thinking something that's a bit more private and less crowded, in a way, kind of like Erebor Crystal Home's yard is or Rohan's Ruined Tower one, except more common throughout the neighborhood. Would help to make the neighborhood feel different from all the others

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    Oh Scenario, you're dropping some bombs here... Someone gotta do a list of all the places where they've been spotted because I can't really think of any that I *actually remember* except cave claw system in Three Peaks and some people reporting them somewhere in Gundabad but I haven't actually stumbled upon any. So yeah, this is a pretty neat easter egg / plot point....
    There's one in one of the resource instances in Moria, forget what it's called. There's also one you can find around the end of the Gundabad epic in a special location you end up in. I wasn't aware of it at the time I was there and I didn't see it, despite randomly going on a fairly thorough exploration of the area, but I'm told it's there.

    So they've been your doing all along Scenario, eh? All part of the plan indeed...

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vilan View Post
    There's also one you can find around the end of the Gundabad epic in a special location you end up in. I wasn't aware of it at the time I was there and I didn't see it, despite randomly going on a fairly thorough exploration of the area, but I'm told it's there.
    Really? I've been like going around in circles last time I was there after replaying the epic from the reflecting pool and haven't found any... unless the place still eludes me. I've only stumbled upon a picnic spot which I guess is where a certain someone and his fallen friend used to enjoy each others company but no cave claws in sight

  14. #39
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    I saw a picture someone posted but I can't seem to find it now. But here are some links to other ones.



  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Erebor Housing was a necessary experiment with putting interior style hooks outside
    But..... aren't all hooks in Erebor technically inside?

    Because.... Erebor?

    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
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  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Once I get out from under my current projects, I want to do another BIG housing item drop - with a lot of things from the Asset Request thread. I also want to get some more building-block style items, such as stairs. Erebor was a great opportunity to lean heavy on one specific theme for decorations - this next bunch of housing items wouldn't have as focused a theme and would be a broader set. No ETA on that yet, though - I'm working on other stuff first (its not at all related to all the Behemoth Deep-claws I've been hiding around the world since Moria).
    Ty so much - sounds awesome!

    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    Oh thanks! I really could use a stairs decoration object (that actually can be climbed) at my house. It takes too many decoration slots to make stairs with wall items, even if they look gorgeous.

    On a slightly related theme about the building blocks object, ...Can we ever get floor panels items (bigger than already existing rugs) some day? So far i'm being using rugs to build small platforms. I love how the result look from top but from bottom they are invisible & find silly to see the floating furnitures from below. Also it takes too many rugs if i wish to make a bigger platform. Of course i don't expect it to happens on same already planed, big assets release but some time on the future way after those things that got requested 1st.
    Very much second this idea.

    Yes, Scenario, please: if you are adding stairs, adding something that could double as an extra floor or ceiling would be pretty cool too. This would work very well in houses that have taller interior spaces- such as the Gondorian ones and, to an extent, the Erebor ones. The Gondorian height, which is more or less the "tall wall" whether 20m or 10m, is pretty much the equivalent of two Classic Housing floors. So, in theory, one could use a floor item + a stairs item + the taller walls to actually turn a Gondorian luxurious house into like 4 different floors - if the assets are made available as decorations It would be a pretty cool move


    The second idea I'd like to put forward to Scenario are the idea of outdoor walls. I know, for example, in one of the livestreams, someone talked about the idea of having a Gondorian house be like owning your own castle. Now, the assets I'm about to refer to are more general ones, and probably, they'd need to be scaled to fit a yard somewhat (*though hopefully not to the point you'd have to be a Hobbit or a Dwarf to access them):

    The Helm's Deep - Deeping Wall segment.
    Helm's Deep - Deeping Wall Guard Tower (*with or without the catapult or ballista).
    Ring of Isengard Wall.
    Ring of Isengard Gate.
    Minas Tirith Wall.
    Minas Tirith Gate.
    Minas Tirith Guard Tower.
    Rammas Echor Wall.
    Rammas Echor Gate.
    Rammas Echor Guard Tower.

    All of these are basically the same assets: it's the very building blocks you use to build a fortress, whether ruined or not, and it's very common to find it in Helm's Deep, Minas Tirith, there are some of these walls in Tumladen and Imloth Melui, the whole Rammas Echor, pretty much the whole First Level of Minas Tirith is ringed by these walls, and so on.

    So, the idea here is, say, you want to have a yard that looks like the courtyard of a castle, rather than a Venetian villa (*which is what the Gondorian homestead really looks like with its flatter terraces and so on). The concept is to have walls you could inter-lock together, perhaps some longer, some shorter, some with stairs, and so on, and place them around your yard to turn it into something more resembling, say, a castle.

    Which leads me to:

    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Exterior hooks are always going to be a tricky thing to manage - in large part because we want to do what we can do prevent players from encroaching on each others spaces. Erebor Housing was a necessary experiment with putting interior style hooks outside because otherwise the properties nestled on top of each other in a stack just wouldn't work (normal exterior hooks assume that they will have terrain - not physics - to snap to in order to follow along the ground as you move it).

    As we add new neighborhoods and/or neighborhood features, we will continue to experiment with concepts and push on what the housing system is and what it could be. I have a long-game roadmap that I am slowly working towards, one update at a time.
    Very awesome! I know it's a very big hassle, especially with the older neighborhoods, to prevent players from encroaching on each others' yards. I guess my big wish would there to be some way for the actual stone wall boundaries of the current Gondor yards to be the maximum movement distance, for the placement of yard decorations to overlap with the visual boundaries of the properties. But as they are all shaped differently, I understand that's a big challenge with the invisible "yard" thingy that keeps everything pretty close.

    I'd say, even more than the yard thing: to my mind, just adding the Rohan lighting hooks to the Gondor houses would be a very big bonus for those spaces - a massive improvement for the interiors. Anyways, thanks for responding Scenario: you're totally awesome!

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    Now, the assets I'm about to refer to are more general ones, and probably, they'd need to be scaled to fit a yard somewhat

    The Helm's Deep - Deeping Wall segment.
    Helm's Deep - Deeping Wall Guard Tower (*with or without the catapult or ballista).
    Ring of Isengard Wall.
    Ring of Isengard Gate.
    Minas Tirith Wall.
    Minas Tirith Gate.
    Minas Tirith Guard Tower.
    Rammas Echor Wall.
    Rammas Echor Gate.
    Rammas Echor Guard Tower.
    The dwarven buildings from the last update are pretty big so I see no reason why we should end up with unrealistically scaled down wall parts. Also, all of these are freely scaled for different purposes by the devs and you can actually see differently sized parts throughout game world. But the scaling probably takes more time I guess so probably the best thing would be to locate the best, most suitable parts in-game (already scaled in a way that's realistically feasible) and then post the suggestion with image/loc under https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...91#post8142891 (probably easier for Scenario ; ) And based on the latest dwarven structures... I would say 'realistically feasible' is pretty big and I would rather have bigger parts than tiny ones (the excess can always go under ground or inside something else)

    I posted a couple of these recently though I haven't really thought about Gondorian-styled parts yet, you can post them if you have decent ideas. There are LOTS of parts in the game though. I tried to keep it to most useful minimum, in the end Scenario has more throughout knowledge of these assets so any extra/fluff/variation parts - maybe scenario could include too if they have time, on top of our suggested ones. So yeah, generally tried to stick to most basic/useful segments. Or more unique, cool ones.

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by TesalionLortus View Post
    The dwarven buildings from the last update are pretty big so I see no reason why we should end up with unrealistically scaled down wall parts. Also, all of these are freely scaled for different purposes by the devs and you can actually see differently sized parts throughout game world. But the scaling probably takes more time I guess so probably the best thing would be to locate the best, most suitable parts in-game (already scaled in a way that's realistically feasible) and then post the suggestion with image/loc under https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...91#post8142891 (probably easier for Scenario ; ) And based on the latest dwarven structures... I would say 'realistically feasible' is pretty big and I would rather have bigger parts than tiny ones (the excess can always go under ground or inside something else)

    I posted a couple of these recently though I haven't really thought about Gondorian-styled parts yet, you can post them if you have decent ideas. There are LOTS of parts in the game though. I tried to keep it to most useful minimum, in the end Scenario has more throughout knowledge of these assets so any extra/fluff/variation parts - maybe scenario could include too if they have time, on top of our suggested ones. So yeah, generally tried to stick to most basic/useful segments. Or more unique, cool ones.
    When making items that could fit in the Huge or Enormous Yard items, we generally try to scale them to fit roughly within the footprint of the hook itself. It doesn't have to be exact, but we try not to go beyond those boundaries too far.

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    When making items that could fit in the Huge or Enormous Yard items, we generally try to scale them to fit roughly within the footprint of the hook itself. It doesn't have to be exact, but we try not to go beyond those boundaries too far.
    The technicality of your answer seems to escape me, but I guess that means there could be a problem with very longish structures such as bigger wall segments or long fences, for example. Still, these parts in general consist of many different, smaller parts put together, so I guess getting rid of excess length would be more likely rather than extreme scaling of the whole segment that would make the structure feel too thin. But sure, in general I don't mind scaling if something like a tower is a bit too big for housing needs!

  20. #45
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    I have to say, the large walls were a grand idea, using it I turned my deluxe house into a smaller house and stuck more decorations in the enclosed space, it's more compact and cozy to me.

    Speaking of new housing decorations. I wonder if we could get the warg training dummy from Bullroarer into live somehow. Not only because it looks different but because it has the functionality of zero mits so you can play around with what your potential dps may be in a raid with AC debuffs on target.

    Even if it's just slapped into the Curator barter, I'd get it. I've a special little place for such an item in my house, behind the aforementioned wall.
    Leader of the Mitey Worriers (Laurelin)
    Purveyors of premier meats and vegan substitutes since 26/12/17

  21. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    ... I'd say, even more than the yard thing: to my mind, just adding the Rohan lighting hooks to the Gondor houses would be a very big bonus for those spaces - a massive improvement for the interiors. Anyways, thanks for responding Scenario: you're totally awesome!

    I also will love to have a few the lighting hooks to the Gondor houses. While those house are mostly nicely illuminated, there are a few center & 1st floor rooms that have no windows. They can get very dark if you use certain colour & textures , the default candlesticks somehow get blocked or if you try to subdivide the rooms & end on the wrong side of the wall . Of course, the illumination will not be an issue if i have more furniture, wall or ceiling slots where i could set light emitting candlesticks, lanterns, candelabrias & windows of my choice on the spot that i need them. By the way, i love those gondorian stained glass windows! I wish that those & other glass windows from other races could be used as house decorations i can move around.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    I also will love to have a few the lighting hooks to the Gondor houses. While those house are mostly nicely illuminated, there are a few center & 1st floor rooms that have no windows. They can get very dark if you use certain colour & textures , the default candlesticks somehow get blocked or if you try to subdivide the rooms & end on the wrong side of the wall . Of course, the illumination will not be an issue if i have more furniture, wall or ceiling slots where i could set light emitting candlesticks, lanterns, candelabrias & windows of my choice on the spot that i need them. By the way, i love those gondorian stained glass windows! I wish that those & other glass windows from other races could be used as house decorations i can move around.
    I agree with the windows and such.

    My point is that I don't want the current "mostly nicely illuminated" Gondorian house. Gondorian housing is one of my favorites - but the lighting isn't.

    Say I put a Dawnless Day sky outside in the ambient environment slot and want it to be dark-dark inside the Gondorian house to reflect that. Currently, that's not possible, because there are all of these invisible "white fill-light" objects forcing the Gondorian house to basically look like a big, lit-up tomb with no customization options there.

    Players who enjoy the current look in their Gondorian houses could easily stock-up on the white-fill-lights and use them in the ambient slots. What I'd like to see is the ability to change completely how the Gondorian interior is illuminated - as we currently can in the Rohan and Erebor houses.

    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantion View Post
    as we currently can in the Rohan and Erebor houses.
    It's been mentioned by Scenario, in this very thread, they would love to bring Rohan lighting slots to older neighborhood, given time and opportunity. So that's almost a "given" at some point. It has its uses in specific cases to achieve a VERY specific desired effect with the right color, but personally, I don't really enjoy lightning hooks THAT much - they're these invisible sources of light but what I would actually like are actual game assets, like they're used in game world, already lighted as the default settings so I can put them in my house/yard and illuminate it in a "natural" way.

    I suggested some of these lighted assets under Assets Suggestions, not sure what are Scenario's thoughts on this

    ...but seeing how there are a few of such assets already lighted - although very dim, such as yule sconce - besides interactive ones have a light attached albeit only after interaction and that's the problem.. so I would say it is completely feasible to do. Lightning hooks should be like an extra future for specific cases not our main to go source of housing light/ambience. I want lighted fiery torches, bonfires, stronger lanterns, braziers etc

  24. #49
    Scenario's Avatar
    Scenario is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    May 2018
    Lighting is a very fickle beast in LOTRO. Assets can only support up to a certain number of light's influencing them before they start to produce weird lighting artifacts. This is the main reason why lighting is very controlled when it comes to player housing. The number of decorations that have light sources is intentionally very limited. And the number of lighting hooks in the neighborhoods that support it are intentionally smaller compared to other hook types to allow players to change up the ambience without going too deeply into specific lighting out of an abundance of caution.

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Scenario View Post
    Lighting is a very fickle beast in LOTRO. Assets can only support up to a certain number of light's influencing them before they start to produce weird lighting artifacts. This is the main reason why lighting is very controlled when it comes to player housing. The number of decorations that have light sources is intentionally very limited. And the number of lighting hooks in the neighborhoods that support it are intentionally smaller compared to other hook types to allow players to change up the ambience without going too deeply into specific lighting out of an abundance of caution.
    Oh. Can't we have them sloteable in the lightning hooks, in that case? The ones I suggested.
    I can clearly see the issue here and why they've been avoided so far as normal 'unlimited' furniture, but it still kind of bothers me we can't have *actual* objects emitting light like they are in game, even if just in lightning hooks only - and as of now only have lightning effect that can't really be 'matched' with any real fiery object that we have available. But then again, creating a bonfire or torch as "furniture" with animated fire but not associated lightning attached, so then I can match with invisible sources o light from lightning hooks and may not always reach the same effect that in-game assets use (because it's invisible! it's hard to move those lights and figure out where they should go) seems like a needless back-and-forth, better to just slot a lighted brazier into a lighting hook if that could be done


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