At level 140, the racial trait strength of morale heals 6000 health. 6000. I have 1.7 mil health lol.
Please either make it scale properly or convert it to a percentage heal!
At level 140, the racial trait strength of morale heals 6000 health. 6000. I have 1.7 mil health lol.
Please either make it scale properly or convert it to a percentage heal!
Good luck with this one - we have been asking that this trait be scaled for at least a decade with no response beyond "yes we know it is broken".
Uppercut is close to useless though it can let you attack while disarmed.
Yes and no. I mean generally any update probably would help. What I mean was % base morale thus developers don't have to check if it scales properly on each lvl from first lvls possible to get it to lvl cap. In theory if we have human warden with 1000 morale and morale will be healed by racial by lets say 50% then he will get 500. But when he will be in blue line and gain extra 20% of max morale he will get 600 from strength of morale. Thus, the worth will be always the same and won't diminish. But again any update for it would be nice be it raw number properly scaled to level or changed to percentage.
Pretty much all the racial traits need a revamp. Making them %-base would be a quick fix.
And while on the topic of old features, how about a Fellowship Manoeuver revamp? It was a cool gameplay option in the early days. BTW, I think they should have never changed the name and let them remain Conjunctions.
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
Throw stone, headbutt are the same... All those racials have some connections to brawler skills. Since there are no racials especially weapon specific ones for brawler why not add a brawler specific bonus to these racial.
Upper cut increases builder damage by 5%, headbutt increases brawler headbutt damage, throw stone increases hurl object damage by 5%
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
Trapper of Foes needs better tools to fulfill it's supporting(CC and offensive debuffs) and DoT role.
Yes that's sounds nice but I think not revmap but rather increase of power for FM actions so players who can make them (especially the complex ones) will be rewarded with good boons. My friends and I still use them in some situations but mainly the more complex ones since raw dmg ones need boosts for sure. For the name I like the more one with fellowship in them "Fellowship Maneuver" or "Fellowship Actions". But it's a matter of personal preference![]()