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Update 27.2 Release Notes


Update 27.2 Release Notes


Here are the Release Notes for Update 27.2, released on Tuesday, August 4th 2020. 


Of Special Note:


Helm's Deep Arrives to the Legendary Worlds!

Experience the finale of Rohan's Epic Story, and the beginning of all-out war in Middle-earth! The Legendary Worlds of Anor and Ithil now have a level cap of 95 in addition to the Helm's Deep expansion. Click here to learn more about our Legendary Worlds, which are available for free to all VIPs! Note that Helm's Deep also utilizes the Storied Tales system introduced in Update 27, which is a solo-able, story-focused alternative to an Epic Battle. Each of the five Helm's Deep Epic Battles now has a Storied Tale.

Fight for Rohan's survival, unearth the depth of Grima Wormtongue's treachery, unravel a mystery woven through the war-torn Westemnet, and defend the fortress at Helm's Deep! Players can also explore West Rohan, its once-serene fields now aflame and pillaged by gruesome servants of evil. Heroes are needed to stand in this time of danger!


Rohan Housing is now available!

The Lord of the Rings Online is expanding its premium player housing options with new homesteads set in Rohan! These new homesteads evoke two quintessential Rohan experiences; Kingstead Meadows and Eastfold Hills. Kingstead Meadows features living on the grassy plains and farmlands, while Eastfold Hills features living in the rugged and wooded foothills. Each neighborhood has an assortment of deluxe style properties along with two unique properties: a large Meadhall, and a deluxe style property with an extra interior. The Rohan Housing brokers are also selling over 50 new housing items, purchasable with in-game gold! Rohan Housing is available to purchase from the Rohan Housing Brokers named Burginda and Seleflad in Edoras and Snowbourn as well as the Eastfold Hills and Kingstead Meadows Homesteads.

  • Hitching Posts: A new hook that allows you to show off mounts from your collection.
  • Cosmetic Pets: Cosmetic pets can be hooked on most interior and exterior hooks.
  • Moveable light sources: These new hooks allow players to light rooms the way they want.
  • Fire Pit hooks: This is a new and uniquely sized hook for the Rohan Meadhalls.
  • Column Hook: The column hook acts like a wallpaper option for columns within the new Rohan Meadhalls.
  • New per-house storage: This is a new housing storage option that is separate from Shared Housing Storage.
  • Kinship Visit feature: Players can designate a primary residence, and allow their kinmates to visit from the Kinship panel.
  • Multiple interiors: Each Kingstead homestead has a main house and a barn, and both neighborhoods have a single homestead of a unique additional interior.
  • Neighborhood Reputation: Rohan homesteads are the first homesteads to each have their own reputation, where homeowners can advance their neighborly notoriety in the community, while unlocking new housing items and player titles.
  • Cosmetic Pets, per-house storage, and the kinship visit feature are available for every home, while the other features above are exclusive to Rohan Housing. 

Click here to read more about Rohan Housing!


News and Notes:



  • Beorning
    • Beornings opening a "Valar Weapon Pack - 120" will now receive a bow instead of a one-handed sword.
    • Thunderous Roar's base cooldown has been reduced to 45 seconds.
    • The Legendary Item set bonus cooldown reduction has been reduced to -15 seconds maximum.
    • Tier 5 of Opposing Presence now adds +10 seconds to Biting Edge's cooldown (was +5s). 
    • The skill Vicious Claws is now granted at level 20, down from level 40.
  • Burglar
    • The Wound effect applied by Enrage -> Clever Retort has been rebalanced. This effect was much too powerful due to a combination of modifiers that it was not intended to benefit from, and had too large a base effect multiplier. The effect has also been renamed to Malicious Wound for easier identification. 
  • Captain
    • The Kick skill is now earned at level 20 instead of level 44.
    • The skill Cleanse Corruption is now granted at level 20, down from level 50.
    • The examination tooltip for the Captain skill, Noble Mark, has been updated to reflect the correct interval for personal heals.
    • Improved Threatening Shout has become Elendil's Roar. It is now granted as a base yellow line skill, with a base cooldown of 60 seconds. 
    • Threatening Shout is now earned via a 2nd Tier yellow trait that replaces Strong Voice. It is no longer replaced by Improved Threatening Shout and can be learned by non-yellow Captains. 
    • Elendil's Fury no longer grants a taunt effect to Blade of Elendil, and instead reduces the cooldown of Elendil's Roar to 30 seconds and increases its area of effect to ten targets. 
    • Elendil's Fury now properly adds +4 targets to Elendil's Roar.
  • Champions
    • The Clobber skill is now earned at level 20 instead of level 30.
    • The Feral Strikes skill is now granted at level 20 instead of level 50.
    • Horn of Champions now applies a forced taunt effect on all targets it hits, in addition to its prior effects.
    • Deafening Horn now increases Horn of Champion's maximum targets by +2 per point, up to 10. 
  • Guardian
    • The skill Improved Sting is now granted at level 20 instead of level 50.
    • Challenge's cooldown is now reduced by the Bellow trait. 
    • The Challenge Set cooldown bonus has been reduced to six seconds.
  • Hunter
    • The skill Blindside is now a ranged immediate skill with a single attack hook. Its cooldown has been increased to 18 seconds.
    • The skill Blood Arrow is now available at level 20 instead of level 50.
    • The skill Blood Arrow now removes Corruptions.
    • The skill Merciful Shot no longer removes Corruptions.
  • Lore-master
    • The skills Blinding Flash and Improved Blinding Flash are now immediate.
    • The skill Dispel Corruption is now granted at level 20 instead of level 50. Its cooldown has been reduced from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
  • Minstrel
    • All versions of the skill Piercing Cry are now immediate.
    • The Passive Trait Purify Corruption is now granted at level 20 instead of level 50.
  • Rune-keeper
    • The skill Final Word is now earned at level 20 instead of level 30.
    • The skills Final Word and Improved Final Word have had their cooldowns reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.
    • The skill Improved Final Word now removes one Corruption from the target.
    • A new skill called "Speak No Evil" removes corruptions from the target, and is granted at level 20.
  • Warden
    • A new skill called Shield Slam is now granted at level 20. This skill is instant, interrupts target inductions, and has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
    • The skills Reversal and Ranged Reversal are now granted at level 20 instead of level 50.
    • The Defiance buff is now 32 seconds.
    • All warden melee skills range updated to 5.2m.

    • Warning Shot cooldown decreased (45s->10s).

    • Defiant Challenge cooldown increased (20s->30s).


  • The character xp granted by planting fields has been made more consistent across crafting tiers and somewhat reduced in accordance with shorter planting induction times introduced with Update 25. Craft xp awards from Farming recipes remain unchanged, as do the character xp award from harvesting fields and processing the resultant crops.


  • The Flared Hanging Lantern and Ornate Hanging Lantern housing decorations from the Midsummer Festival will now hang at an appropriate height by default when placed on a ceiling hook.
  • The Spear of the Storied Past will no longer unequip a shield when equipped, and will no longer override the appearance of shields when cosmetically equipped. 
  • Fixed a typo with the Banquet Decoration - Selection Box.
  • The Sinister Black Cloak has been renamed to Sinister Black Robe and once again equips and sorts properly in the Auction House as a cosmetic for the chest slot rather than as a cloak. 


  • Character Race Change (COMING SOON, not yet available in the LOTRO Store): Use this item to add a race change credit for use on any of your characters on this world. Logout to the character selection screen to begin your transformation. Please be aware you may only select from races available to your character class.

  • A Rohan Housing Set Bundle is now available that contains numerous cosmetic items for your homestead.


  • Warleader's Command Post summoned banner will once again grant buffs to Monster Play characters within range.
  • The following Osgiliath Monster Play quests will once again advance properly: Conquering the Ornendil, Looking for Conflict, The Ornendil Bridge Belongs to Mordor, and The Belegiant Bridge Belongs to Mordor.
  • Monster player inventory, quest, and barter items should no longer have a red border unless they actually cannot be used due to class, rank, or other restrictions.

Quests and Adventure Areas

  • Premium housing brokers, Burginda, Nothwen, and Seleflad, will now allow you to barter mithril coins to receive premium housing writs.
  • The Housing quests "Building the Bree Homestead" and "There's No Place Like Home" are now available if you own any type of house. 
  • Wenda Cranesbill (VIP Rewards) is now also available at Michel Delving, Celondim, and Thorin's Hall.
  • Midsummer Festival
    • Locations of beehives near Duillond have been adjusted.
    • Interacting with hungry guards in Minas Tirith is now easier.
    • The House of Lore now has more Wayward Verses, which all appear more frequently.
    • Wedding Supplies quest items will appear more frequently, and in more places.
    • Fireflies now appear more frequently, and in greater numbers.
    • Fixed a typo in the quest All Fired Up.
    • Toss a Coin now gives a Midsummer reward instead of a Spring Festival reward.
    • Mithril Travel has been fixed for the Midsummer quest Honoring Healers.
  • Remmorchant, the Net of Darkness: Thossulun the Massive
    • Aegerch, Daughter of Thossulun missed the first morale reduction her sisters received. Her morale is now also reduced.
    • Remmorchant - Shelob - Dwindling Amusement's time has been adjusted:
      • Tier 2: 17 Minutes
      • Tier 3: 18 Minutes (Unchanged)
      • Tier 4: 19 Minutes
      • Tier 5: 20 Minutes
  • Some landscape fixes have been done in southern Ered Luin, a section of the Bonevales, terrain in Redhorn Gate, and a spot in Gorthad.
  • The custom appearance settings from the Dimrill Dale stable-master have been removed.
  • Ciriel the Pastry Chef should no longer fall through the floor of Minas Tirith (Midsummer)
  • Logging out while part way through the Midsummer quest Toss a Coin will no longer cancel the quest.
  • Floating wall torches have been removed from above the entrance to Kingstead Meadows Neighborhood.
  • Mithril Travel has been fixed for the Midsummer quest Honoring Healers.


  • A Rohan Housing Set Bundle is now available that contains numerous cosmetic items for your homestead. 


  • Various issues with the Travel to Kinship Member's House skill have been fixed. 
  • The examination tooltip for the Travel to Kinship Member's House skill has been updated. 
  • The /loc command has been modified to include the world name.

Known Issues:

  • Epic Battles are currently unavailable on Anor and Ithil while we fix a bug. We will be working to correct this in the near future. In the meantime our new Storied Tales are available to progress through Helm"s Deep on the Legendary Worlds.
  • Rohan Housing - Characters below level 86 cannot access the Rohan Kingstead Homesteads from the landscape entrances. They must speak to one of the housing brokers in Snowbourn or Edoras to either tour a house or purchase a house, and from there can use housing travel skills to access their neighborhood.


release notes

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