Originally Posted by Arnand_the_Fox;8175003
I generally would. At the rate they've gone in the last 15 years of LOTRO, it would take another 4-6 years to finish off the remaining major paths in a most minimal way.
[*]North Path(Rhun plot) - Middle Mirkwood, Fields of Celduin, Barding Lands, Dorwinion[*]South Path(Umbar/Harad plot) - Gondor(non-dawnless), Harondor, Harad desert, Umbar[*]Mordor Path(Mordor plot) - Nurn, Lithlad[*]Eriador Path(ending the books) - Shire(scouring), Grey Havens[/LIST]
Taking into account things like the other parts of the Grey Havens, South Farthing, a likely trip into Forodwaith, that adds another year or two. Then we have to think about side areas in the parts of Middle Earth we already have acess to like Western Enedwaith, Minhiriath, the Brown Lands, the Emyn Muil, Anfalas, the White Mountains, Tol Falas, etc[
It would take another 15 years to just finish all of that. They really don't have the time, much less the narrative reason, to go deep in the southern Jungles of Harad if they actually want to like, you know, finish the game.