Have you seen anything on New World? Its like a group sandbox survival game with crafting elements. The only things that would likely gain insight to the Lotr MMO would be combat(maybe), graphics(maybe) and sub systems like crafting(maybe). I could be wrong of course and the two games could share a lot, but then you're looking at more of a multiplayer/co-op action game and less of a MMO (imo)
And from what I hear, they completely reworked the entire game in the past year after closed alpha:(
Reports like this scream mismanagement to me, which is what put Lotro in its current position.
This right here is my biggest concern, as Amazon has a terrible track record for gaming. Their Studio has been opened for almost 8 years and all they have to show for it is a handful of mobile games and a game based on one of their tv shows (as well as New World.) Not much for a billion dollar company.
My other concern is f2p. We all know how this goes. Starts off innocent enough, then a slow roll towards p2convienence/p2w. Along side of more cosmetics in the shop instead of being earnable in game. At least the business model should be better then Lotro's.
I do agree however that game performance should be drastically better.
As for console/pc. I expect cross platform to be a thing. Or at least a shared account so you can swap between the two at will. (ESO doesn't have this and it sucks.) I don't expect pc or console to receive preferential treatment.
I feel the Lotr MMO will be similar to Eso. Action combat, good graphics, story driven content with the occasional dungeon/raid. Usual sub systems; crafting, mounts, kins/guilds etc. And one or two surprise features to try and spice it up. Nothing too crazy.