My name: Rob
Character: Beebo Peatfingers, Shire Brewmaster (Hobbit Burg, 56 and leveling. LOVING Moria!)
Server: Brandywine
Age: 39
Location: Florida, EST
Playstyle: Fun.
MMO games played: WoW, Rift, That last Star Wars MMO. Countless others from eons ago.
Why Kinships should be interested in me: I like to research and test my character, and I'm usually one of the better players in groups: I pay attention, I don't have an ego, I like improving my character but I also get fulfillment from helping other people improve their characters too.
I'm playing this game casually - I travel for work and don't have the time or energy to be a consistent contributor. However, if there is a raid going on, I'd be a great sub for someone who IS consistent but can't make it.
I'm looking for a decent size, active kinship. Nothing fancy, cool players that I can group with is all. Don't expect me on voice too often, however for raids (if I go), I'd make sure I was on.
[color=#3399FF][size=4][b]Beebo Peatfingers[/b][/size][/color]
[color=yellow][size=3][b]Master Burglar lvl 50! [/b][/size][/color][color=#00FFCC][size=1]Please learn how to do [url=]Fellowship Manoeuvres![/url][/size][/color]
[color=#ff6600][size=2][b]Proud resident of [i]Brandywine[/i][/b][/size][/color]
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given, us.