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  1. #101
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The final count is 42. There's one answer that I'm super happy with. It took a few years to get there, but this is my favorite answer...

    I have to see this. Way to go hyping one lore question over all the gameplay ones. 42 hand picked softball answers is going to do nothing. Housing should have been years ago and a kin update should have happened when there were raiding kins. So much fluff the last 2 years and now you give us fluff that we have been asking since the first rank 10 Kin and since the first house was bought? Good thing you spent that time on the hobby horse huh?

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Until release notes are published it is not coming with update 13. They have been "soon" for well over a year now and even more if you go back through employees.

    It doesn't matter anyway...Sapience already said no instances or raids...that does leave it open for a new BB, or a new land area. Sometimes you give up and just get the profits you can instead of trying to improve on them. They have all the data, all the tools, and still refuse to try to bring LOTRO back up as a premier MMO. Looking at how many people are doing what and how much they spend doing so is an obviously flawed view to take with a game that was subscription and now is a F2P game. Most companies understand that to make a business turn a a profit past a few years you have to cater to your base while attracting new customers to your product using the base that got you there as a foundation, the thing that got you going can change all you want but when you think more about how you can change something than how you got there you will see a steady decline.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I hope they finally fill in The Far Downs. The OCD in me doesn't accept the fact that we've gone for so long with a huge gap in the map...

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Can anyone clarify what was said in the Elendilmir run regarding sparring timers? I was under the impression that a compromise had been suggested and agreed upon, in that the sparring timer would be lengthened but it would be restricted in that it couldn't be inside places like crafting halls.

    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    Disable sparring timers for tournaments?
    Not likely they will be disabled, but he will pass on the suggestion to make them longer. Someone suggested that if they are extended then sparring should be removed from crafting and auction houses and he said that sounded reasonable.
    I understand frickinmuck's stuff is paraphrased and whatnot, but I just read the U12.3 release notes (to go live on Monday):

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    By player Request
    The sparring timer has been adjusted. Spars will now last a maximum of 10 minutes instead of 3.
    Okay, so spars will now be over triple their previous length. Yet I see no mention of removing spars from crafting halls and AHs. If it was such a reasonable compromise (a win-win for all), why is it not being included? It seems like an important enough thing to list in the release notes if it's actually going to happen.
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
    R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
    115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
    R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval

  5. #105
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Mar-Evayave View Post
    Can anyone clarify what was said in the Elendilmir run regarding sparring timers? I was under the impression that a compromise had been suggested and agreed upon, in that the sparring timer would be lengthened but it would be restricted in that it couldn't be inside places like crafting halls.

    I understand frickinmuck's stuff is paraphrased and whatnot, but I just read the U12.3 release notes (to go live on Monday):

    Okay, so spars will now be over triple their previous length. Yet I see no mention of removing spars from crafting halls and AHs. If it was such a reasonable compromise (a win-win for all), why is it not being included? It seems like an important enough thing to list in the release notes if it's actually going to happen.
    I don't know whether there are going to be any changes in that area. There's not enough info yet to say either way. But I do feel that sparring is a legitimate social activity and in my personal opinion just as fair to do wherever as music and dancing are. If they do change where it's allowed, they should consider that there are other distractions (player music) as well.

    FYI guys I am super busy today but I will get the new notes up ASAP.

  6. #106
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    I don't know whether there are going to be any changes in that area. There's not enough info yet to say either way. But I do feel that sparring is a legitimate social activity and in my personal opinion just as fair to do wherever as music and dancing are. If they do change where it's allowed, they should consider that there are other distractions (player music) as well.

    FYI guys I am super busy today but I will get the new notes up ASAP.
    While I agree with what you're saying, you have to remember that player music can be muted with one slider. We've pretty much got a way to ignore that easily.
    Tolella Hlothran ~ Minstrel ~ 115
    Officer ~ Phoenix Rising

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Before this thread veers off into another discussion about sparring in crafting halls, for those who want to discuss that subject please use this thread? You'll all find the arguments have been gone over at least 3 or 4 times already...


  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by BangoTwinkletoes View Post
    Before this thread veers off into another discussion about sparring in crafting halls, for those who want to discuss that subject please use this thread? You'll all find the arguments have been gone over at least 3 or 4 times already...

    I don't really think there's much to discuss until we see how it's been implemented in the future updates.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    I don't know whether there are going to be any changes in that area. There's not enough info yet to say either way. But I do feel that sparring is a legitimate social activity and in my personal opinion just as fair to do wherever as music and dancing are. If they do change where it's allowed, they should consider that there are other distractions (player music) as well.

    FYI guys I am super busy today but I will get the new notes up ASAP.
    Be that as it may, there are a lot of legitimate social activities that are not allowed in certain places, if for no other reason than they don't genuinely belong there.

    As for the notes, no rush! I'm eager to read them as always (missed the last round of this event, unfortunately) but RL comes first.

    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    I don't really think there's much to discuss until we see how it's been implemented in the future updates.
    Pretty much, and even if there was more to discuss, this thread is full of people commenting on questions and answers given during the events. If we're going to taboo this topic because I'm the one concerned with it, then all topics should be taboo and this thread should be nothing but your Q/A postings. Otherwise, it's fair game.
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
    R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
    115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
    R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mar-Evayave View Post
    If we're going to taboo this topic because I'm the one concerned with it, then all topics should be taboo and this thread should be nothing but your Q/A postings. Otherwise, it's fair game.
    Why would a topic be taboo because you raised it? And is there something wrong with pointing people to the primary discussion threads for certain topics for those folks who have an interest in a more substantive discussion beyond the fairly simple Q&A responses? I don't understand the comment.

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by LethalLethality View Post
    I somehow have a feeling this has something to do with A)Housing B)Mail System (freep or creep) or C) Centralized Crafting Vault for all characters on an account (I wish)
    On the Gladden stream, Sapience said that they were working on adding multiple attachments to the mailing system. Yay
    Glorgnorbor, A Rock And A Hard Place, Stop by our Friday music shows! 4PM EST at the Bree West Gate on Dwarrowdelf!
    If a Malledhrim Soldier dies alone in the forest because of canceled quest, will it make a sound? ~Leixy
    Took me a few years, but I renewed my signature :)

  12. Feb 08 2014, 11:58 PM

  13. #112
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    Aug 2008
    I don't see why anyone would try to silence anyone about anything in these pages. The only person with that authority is Sapience, and unless something is a huge digression or becomes argumentative, I see no reason to limit what's said. The conversation is relevant to the posted information.

    Having said that, like I mentioned earlier, for me there's not much to discuss until I see how they intend to implement any sparring changes. Otherwise I would just be speculating. No real point.

  14. Feb 09 2014, 05:02 AM

  15. Feb 09 2014, 11:18 AM

  16. Feb 09 2014, 11:43 AM

  17. Feb 09 2014, 12:02 PM

  18. Feb 10 2014, 02:45 PM

  19. Feb 10 2014, 03:03 PM

  20. #113
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mar-Evayave View Post
    Can anyone clarify what was said in the Elendilmir run regarding sparring timers? I was under the impression that a compromise had been suggested and agreed upon, in that the sparring timer would be lengthened but it would be restricted in that it couldn't be inside places like crafting halls.
    There was no compromise, tit-for-tat or other voted upon or settled upon agreement.
    There were two topics raised:
    1- Sparring timers were too short
    2- Some felt sparring should be banned from Crafting Halls.

    Both seemed reasonable. I agreed to take both back to the team.

    One was incredibly simple to implement. Something we can't often say and a kind of request we rarely get. So in it went.
    The other was not so simple, would take a significant amount of work and require someone to touch every single building interior in the game and add and/or change a setting. It may or may not happen or it may happen in some halls and not others.

    That should end, permanently in this thread, the sparring discussion. Please let's not derail what is otherwise, in my opinion anyway, a very useful and helpful thread.

  21. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    There was no compromise, tit-for-tat or other voted upon or settled upon agreement.
    There were two topics raised:
    1- Sparring timers were too short
    2- Some felt sparring should be banned from Crafting Halls.

    Both seemed reasonable. I agreed to take both back to the team.

    One was incredibly simple to implement. Something we can't often say and a kind of request we rarely get. So in it went.
    The other was not so simple, would take a significant amount of work and require someone to touch every single building interior in the game and add and/or change a setting. It may or may not happen or it may happen in some halls and not others.

    That should end, permanently in this thread, the sparring discussion. Please let's not derail what is otherwise, in my opinion anyway, a very useful and helpful thread.
    Thank-you for your reply, Sapience. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. Can you speculate on what potential may be in getting 2 answered? As you say, it's not so simple, so I imagine that the associated amount of work would take a while. Or perhaps would Serious Business fit the occasion, if the team agrees to implement it?
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
    R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
    115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
    R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval

  22. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by LethalLethality View Post
    I somehow have a feeling this has something to do with A)Housing B)Mail System (freep or creep) or C) Centralized Crafting Vault for all characters on an account (I wish)

    Here is a clear hint (taken from the Chicken football thread):

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Crell_1 View Post
    This one was already teased though by the lotro-team recently (I feel like it was shortly after the HD beta), so it can't possibly be the super-secret thing in the works.

    I hope there are more super-secret things than secret things coming soon!
    This one and the in game mail (though there are more secrets 'attached' to that one yet to be revealed) are just the start.
    My alarm tried to wake me this morning.
    Things escalated and now my alarm is broken and I am awake. . .
    Not quite sure who won . . . .

  23. #116
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    Q&A Hobbits to Isengard - Gladden

    Sorry for the delay. The next few should be more timely.

    Please note: I am paraphrasing here. Anything said here is coming through my interpretation of what was said, and is subject to being corrected, so don't take all this as the final word.

    If anyone who was present has any additions or corrections, feel free to post.

    Q&A Hobbits to Isengard - Gladden

    1. Why do we have another double XP weekend
      The majority of players enjoy these events, it’s great for leveling up alts
    2. When will update 12.3 be released
      Monday feb 10th. Much smaller patch than the last two, but it does address some issues. One being the sparring timer, which has been adjusted to 10 minutes for that update thanks to player feedback in the Hobbits to Isengard event.
    3. Some discussion of whether the fastest server would be the one that excludes everyone except a fellowship of 6, to keep lag down. Sapience said the fastest time so far was in a full raid with tons of other people, so that’s not necessarily true. Besides-which, it would be really difficult, if not impossible, to exclude anyone who wanted to participate. Most importantly, excluding all except 6 people runs completely against the spirit of the event.
    4. HtoI scheduling questions
      The schedule to date is posted in the forums, will be updated as more servers are scheduled. He’s purposely left a few gaps in the schedule because he’s going to try to scatter a few other things in here and there. For example the devs recently did a Hobnanigans play test, and he’s thinking if they do another it may be something that the players would like to see, so he may stream that if it happens.
    5. Will there be a HtoI run on Bullroarer
      He hadn’t considered one since Bullroarer is just a test server, but he thinks it could be fun, may consider it after U13 goes live
    6. Are there any new 95 class armour sets coming
      He put in a request for an update on that and got no answer, so speculates they may be working on it but just not ready to talk about a date yet
    7. Based on what some of the players were commenting on in chat, Sapience says next end of beta event they will need some sort of streaming cataclysmic Bree event that all players can watch.
    8. Can we get a hint on what the new region for U13 will be
      He will do better than a hint – go read Kate’s producer’s letter. She tells you exactly what they are doing for U13. Most of it, there’s other stuff happening too.
    9. What is the point of the event/stream
      The point is to have fun, getting a low level hobbit to Isengard, and the hobbit is of no help. And the informal Q/A is a bonus (mention of the Q/A posts here, thanks!).
    10. Did you choose the server order at random
      When it was decided that this event was going to happen, he went to all the servers and created his character before the event was announced, to be sure that he could get the name on each server (with a few noted exceptions, he was able to). Then when he made the schedule he just went down the server list as it appeared in his launcher after logging in everywhere, and that was the order he used. So it was semi random.
    11. Will you be doing this event a second time in the future
      The Hobbits to Isengard specifically, he won’t say never, but it won’t likely be any time soon after this even ends. He’s gotten a lot of really great ideas and suggestions for other events to do, such as doing a tour of new regions on Bullroarer, and he’s looking forward to Weatherstock – he’s going to try to stream some of that.
    12. Who is the Gandalf of the dev team
      He says HoarseDev has currently got the best beard
    13. When will we see Tyrant Fordakidz
      Fordakidz is the reaver he created for the Extra Life gaming marathon (which is October 25 this year). Basically he chooses a server and logs into the moors and lets people kill him for an extended period of time. He doesn’t know when that creature will reach Tyrant status, it depends on how much support he gets from other creeps in the moors. He doesn’t play him outside that event because everyone knows who he is and really only exists for that event.
    14. Do you have a server you play on
      He has several accounts on several servers that he plays. Of course he has some servers that he plays on more than others, but he’s not going to say which.
    15. What is your guesstimate of how many people ask you for things when they see you on a server
      He actually doesn’t get a lot of request for things. If people know it’s him, generally he gets a lot of “Thank you for coming to my server” “Thanks for doing this event” “Hi, is it really you?” but not a lot of “Can I have a free level?” or “Can I have a million Turbine Points?” or things along those lines. Most people are super polite and just want to chat and, very occasionally, ask a question.
    16. Any plans to update the character models
      This one gets asked a lot. No current plans to update the models.
    17. What else can you say about U13? Are there any housing updates coming at U13 or earlier?
      No housing changes in or before U13. Other than that, the multiple mail attachments change is happening. Also Kate’s letter gives a good overview of what’s happening for U13. There are also some revamps mentioned in the 20 questions, and Jinjaah gave a bit of info about some of the PvMP changes coming too.
    18. Will Gondor be our next expansion
      If you read Kate’s producer’s letter, there will not be an expansion in 2014, and Gondor is on her list of places that we’re going to see this year.
    19. Will we ever see commercially available LotRO merchandise
      There used to be some available in the WB shop online, but he thinks they all sold out.
    20. Any plans for non-warband daily quests in Western Rohan
      None that he is currently aware of
    21. Does the number of level 10 characters taken to Isengard matter in any way
      Not in terms of the event. The only thing that matters is your time. In the event of an exact tie in time, the server that didn’t kill him or get him stuck would win.
    22. Do you think it’s better for captains to lead in order to get run boosts, etc
      Gladden got close to Crickhollow’s time, and there wasn’t an inordinate amount of captains there. Although he did follow a captain for that run. Every server has been a bit different.
    23. Question about lag
      The thing that a lot of people miss is that the servers are fairly new. They’ve been upgraded 3 times since Moria. But it’s important to remember that the game is a lot more graphically intensive than it was 7 years ago, so it’s unrealistic to expect your machine to perform the same under a heavier load. To minimize lag, start with low settings and adjust your way up until you get the best settings to match the level of performance you are comfortable with. In these HtoI events, lag is to be expected because there’s an unusually large number of players – hundreds of players – in a relatively small area, which isn’t what one would normally see on the live servers.
    24. Why is it “Welcome Back Weekend”
      He says the name should be updated/changed. It’s just an effect that they turn on from time to time because the majority of players really like the extra XP gain. It’s one of the more popular things they do.
    25. When is the next festival
      The 7th Anniversary Festival is in April, Spring Festival is coming soon too.
    26. Question about the Corsair pirate event
      The pirate event happens around the time of Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday, every year on Talk Like a Pirate Day, which is September 19th.
    27. When do you update the calendar
      When he has things that are more tentative than they are speculative. He tries to avoid putting in dates that he will have to change later. They try to schedule things around when they are going to have a patch or an update, especially when there’s new content going into a festival.
    28. Have you seen anything you like in the threads that were posted for feedback around Kate’s letter
      Yes, they have seen a lot of stuff they like, but they always do see a lot of suggestions that players make that they really like. Basically it comes down to “What do we have the time and resources to do” and, “if they do X, how will it affect Y.” Occasionally they will see something really small and easy to implement, such as the sparring timer update, and they do it. But a lot of time what the players think is easy to change, is often some of the hardest stuff to change. For example, it seems like it should be easy to add multiple attachments to mail, but in fact it involves changing the way the system works. It’s an engineer intensive thing that takes days of work to change at a much deeper system level than people might expect.
    29. Any ETA on level 95 first ages
      No ETA on that at this time
    30. Why is XP boost free and XP disable not
      Great question with a really simple answer: The point of the game is to advance, and the relatively small by comparison number of people who actually use the XP disabler, to enable that across the server and stop everybody by force is not an option, since most people are trying to level their characters.
    31. Mention of the Orlando Florida meet and greet on April 5th.
      All the details are in the forum post, and those who show up can get “The Well Met” title and some swag if he can pull something together. Usually the person who travels the farthest to get to the event gets something extra from him. He’s also tentatively looking to do something around March 28th in the North Carolina area, info on that is in the forums as well.
    32. More discussion about lag. He says that integrated graphics cards will really hurt your performance. For those on 64 bit systems that have a good size chunk of memory turn your texture cache up to max. It will help you preload things faster when moving between zones. Things you can turn off to help ease the load on your system is 3D portraits, also cloaks, mounts, banners – the more unique elements you have onscreen with the higher the settings, the more lag you will experience.
    33. Will turning off floaty damage help with lag
      Yes, floaty damage, floaty reputation renown, infamy, if you turn that off it will help a bit. Anything you can do to ease the load on your computer having to draw up stuff, the better your performance will be.
    34. What is your favourite horse
      The Steed of Night.
    35. What is your favourite area in-game
    36. When will there be a war-steed dressing room
      He is not aware of any plans to make one, but he will definitely pass the suggestion on
    37. A suggestion that Imladris needs more player events
      He agrees, and says, “You should make one.” Most events are player-created. Not all events need to be super complicated or involved. It can be fun to just have a scavenger hunt in Bree or challenge people to go out to the tag fields in North Bree and play a round of tag. If an event starts gaining popularity or gets a good or even moderate turnout you can send him a PM in the forums and let him know what the event is and when, he can usually find some point codes or other prizing to contribute.
    38. Why are there no hobbit LMs
      A lot of classes are restricted by race because they try to stick to what makes sense within the lore. However there has been discussion about opening the classes up more to other races. Nothing definite yet but it is being considered. A hobbit storyteller is a lot closer to a minstrel than a lore master. There’s a big difference between someone who tells a story, and someone who uses the old ways to produce weather effects and things of that nature like a lore master does.
    39. A mention of the famed kinship revamp forum thread
      This comes up every now and then. Pretty much everyone on the dev team is aware of that thread and has read it, and most agree there are some fantastic ideas. But there is a major difference between saying, “Here’s my blue sky thinking. I don’t have any constraints because I don’t know the limitations of the system, don’t know the limitations of the engine or the limitations of the time constraints and other issues,” and having to say, “This is great blue sky thinking and these are all fantastic ideas, but given the limits and time constraints, here are much more practical and realistic endeavors we can undertake.” Everyone on the team has read the thread at least once if not more, and every time new devs show up he points them to it.
    40. Question about female creep characters
      If you want to play a female creep play a warg or a spider, both are female – there are no males. Warg is female. If you doubt it hop on your warg and zoom in from behind. Spiders lore-wise are all female. That was something he was unaware of until Rowan pointed that out to him.
    41. Is LotRO going to give hunters a poison arrow
      He doubts it because poison, in the lore, is a tool of the enemy
    42. Do you have a wish list of what you’d like to see in game
      A lot of what is coming in U13 are things that he’s been saying for a long time “We really need to figure out how to get this in game.” Starting first and foremost with mail attachments. He suspects the devs have been sick of him talking about the mail attachments, Hobnanigans and a few other things.
    43. What is your favourite thing about LotRO
      The community
    44. Discussion about the possibility of doing the run in under an hour. He feels it’s possible, but it’s going to take a well-organized group that can get out of Bree fast, get as many run buffs on him as possible and keep them up, get him across bridges fast, without dropping him or having to slow down too much, and being able to thin crowds at times like that to minimize lag.
    45. When do you think the last hobbit run will happen
      Hard to say. He’s trying to leave room in the schedule for other things such as updates, other little streaming events, etc.
    46. Question about getting devs in the event
      RockX, Jinjaah, HoarseDev are all devs he’s for sure planning to get in on one of the streams. In fact he’s thinking of just doing a stream that’s not an event one, just he and the devs answering questions in real time. Sort of like a dev panel, instead of streaming the game.
    47. What are you most looking forward to in LotRO for 2014
      Some of the locations Kate mentioned in her producer’s letter. We’re going to take our first steps in Gondor, we’ll see Isengard after the ents have had their way with it. A lot of the things people consider to be iconic LotRO moments.
    48. Will Draigoch ever be raised above level 75
      Never say never, but it’s not in the cards anytime soon
    49. Will you ever do a behind the scenes at Turbine video
      There are already little snippets here and there, but in terms of a front to back behind the scenes, they tend to focus on “making of” specific expansions, rather than the game in general. Some of those videos are on the Turbine YouTube channel.
    50. Question about responses to bug reports
      Bug reports are reports, not questions that require answers, so they don’t respond to them. The most helpful thing you can do in a bug report is give detailed instructions on how to recreate the bug, because if they can’t recreate it then it becomes much more difficult to identify and repair the issue.
    51. When will Turbine be doing Extra Life this year
      Technically Turbine lets him do Extra Life. The new Team Turbine page went up Jan 1 along with his own page, and there’s already been some donations. Extra Life runs for the entire year from Jan 1 to Dec 31, but the event is Oct 25 this year. Last time it was too close to Thanksgiving and Halloween. For those who don’t know, Extra Life raises money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals to help heal sick kids. Last year the LotRO player base raised over $50,000, and everyone at Turbine combined raised just over $60,000, so the LotRO player support is massive. He usually plays for Boston Children’s Hospital. Last year that hospital earned a total of $200,000, of which almost $51,000 came from LotRO players.
    52. Are you going to shave again for charity
      It falls under “that’s been done before.” Last time it had been 18 years since he’d shaved. His wife had never seen him clean shaven before, that’s how long it had been. She was stunned when he came home from work that day. This year it’s been suggested that if a goal of $100,000 were hit, he get a tattoo with the date, total and extra life logo.
    53. Does Turbine ever have any use for creative writers, for jobs and stuff
      Yes, in the marketing department, and also content designers to work on quests and backgrounds. Turbine actually has published authors on the dev team.
    54. Have devs or anyone on the Turbine team ever contributed to LotROWiki, or plan to in the future
      Not to his knowledge
    55. Will cooking in LotRO be revamped
      As far as he knows there are no current plans to revamp any of the crafting
    56. Are there constellations in the LotRO night sky
      Yes, there are (points out various constellations). It is accurate, but he can’t remember what it’s mapped to.
    Last edited by frickinmuck; Mar 13 2014 at 02:19 PM.

  24. #117
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Ok, the bit about the wargs made me laugh. Thanks again for compiling these!
    If you give away gold bars, someone will complain they're too heavy.
    .: Dannach, 118 WDN :.: Totes, 118 HNT :.: Sunhawk, 110 RNK :.
    .: Taika, 29 WDN :.
    I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.
    Might as well face it, I'm addicted to WDN

  25. #118
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thanks for posting, frickinmuck!

    Basically he chooses a server and logs into the moors and lets people kill him for an extended period of time.
    This was the only thing I was curious about. Is this a victim of paraphrasing? :P

    (Just teasing, in case it isn't obvious ^_^)
    R5 105 GRD Marevayave - Leader of Riddermarked For Death
    R8 115 MNS Fayah/115 LM Siennah/115 HNT Dinenol/115 RK Dhurik
    115 CHN Alachas/85 CPT Dinfaerien/61 BUR Dhax/115 WDN Godoric
    R9 115 MNS Fayeh (alt Wilya) - Lonely Mountain Band @ Landroval

  26. #119
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    Thank you once again for the write up, really appreciate you taking the time to do so

    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    A mention of the famed kinship revamp forum thread
    This comes up every now and then. Pretty much everyone on the dev team is aware of that thread and has read it, and most agree there are some fantastic ideas. But there is a major difference between saying, “Here’s my blue sky thinking. I don’t have any constraints because I don’t know the limitations of the system, don’t know the limitations of the engine or the limitations of the time constraints and other issues,” and having to say, “This is great blue sky thinking and these are all fantastic ideas, but given the limits and time constraints, here are much more practical and realistic endeavors we can undertake.” Everyone on the team has read the thread at least once if not more, and every time new devs show up he points them to it.
    So what does that mean exactly? I'm thrilled that most devs have read it and that they choose to acknowledge it's existence and that new devs read it as part of their initiation, but yet here we are three years on, still with no definitive answer except a brief mention alongside housing in the 20 questions. Is it a case that it's just not possible (technically) or Turbine don't view it as worth the time investment? Or a case of some of it is possible where as others aren't (in which case, what would be possible)? Or are Turbine delaying an answer until they've looked into every piece to see how far the engine can be pushed into having something along the lines of the proposal?

    As the poster of that thread, I have a lot of emotional attachment to the proposal and want more than anything to see it in the game. That's why I am still here after three years pushing and pushing, hoping that one day soon we will finally see some light shed on it
    Galuhad | Narvelan
    Evernight (formally of Eldar) | Plugins
    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  27. #120
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Why is XP boost free and XP disable not
    Great question with a really simple answer: The point of the game is to advance, and the relatively small by comparison number of people who actually use the XP disabler, to enable that across the server and stop everybody by force is not an option, since most people are trying to level their characters.
    A pity. I missed the run because of this very reason. Devs should start mailing out a limited time item to disable the buff whenever the event starts. My goal isn't to level up. My goal is to experience the game. I already missed out on two months of play time last year because of the "Double XP Weekend" (I don't consider farming Bounder's Bounty tokens on my 85 Hunter because I had nothing else to do to be playing).
    Tolella Hlothran ~ Minstrel ~ 115
    Officer ~ Phoenix Rising

  28. #121
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by LethalLethality View Post
    A pity. I missed the run because of this very reason. Devs should start mailing out a limited time item to disable the buff whenever the event starts. My goal isn't to level up. My goal is to experience the game. I already missed out on two months of play time last year because of the "Double XP Weekend" (I don't consider farming Bounder's Bounty tokens on my 85 Hunter because I had nothing else to do to be playing).
    That just gave me an idea! *Lightbulb glows dimly over SB's head, flickering when she sneezes* Why not send out something to everyone at the start of the event that's like the time-limited horse whistle we get in our new character gift boxes? It could be a weakened/cracked "Stone of the Baby Tortoise" that crumbles into dust when the time (24 - 36 hrs?) is up. Then if a player wants to use it they can, or they can store it for later.

    *sneezes again and wishes she had an anti-cold virus pocket item*

  29. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I don't want a time limited XP disabler every time there is a double XP weekend, and I don't want the spam on my alts for when I log in every few months or so to check their inventory. I think the audience for this would be very small and more trouble than its worth to Turbine. Especially when their stated goal is to have players advance, which is the reason the XP disabler isn't free.
    I'd explain it to you, but I'm all out of Puppets and Crayons.
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    GLADDEN: Moochy, 105 Minstrel R10 + alts CRICKHOLLOW: Moochy, 21 Minstrel

  30. #123
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Beaniemooch View Post
    I don't want a time limited XP disabler every time there is a double XP weekend, and I don't want the spam on my alts for when I log in every few months or so to check their inventory. I think the audience for this would be very small and more trouble than its worth to Turbine. Especially when their stated goal is to have players advance, which is the reason the XP disabler isn't free.
    Well, how about simply adding it to one of the gift boxes for new alts? Then no spam during the double weekends, and it's a one-off item like the horse whistle? Once it's used that's it. Or, they could add one to the store for a low price like some of the other boosts, for those folks who don't want to shell out for the permanent one but might have a reason to slow down a particular alt for some reason for a short period of time.

    I'm just brainstorming, and flexible with the way it's accomplished. I gave in and got an XP disabler on my first main just to regulate the advancement rate so I don't leave my questing partner in the dust, since I'm VIP and he's not at the moment. I had my doubts about spending that much for something not applicable to all characters on my account, but I quickly decided it was a worthwhile investment because I can relax and not worry about being 600K XP ahead of my partner. Whether or not it's feasible for the devs to implement is something for them to decide.

  31. #124
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by SouthernBelle0927 View Post
    That just gave me an idea! *Lightbulb glows dimly over SB's head, flickering when she sneezes* Why not send out something to everyone at the start of the event that's like the time-limited horse whistle we get in our new character gift boxes? It could be a weakened/cracked "Stone of the Baby Tortoise" that crumbles into dust when the time (24 - 36 hrs?) is up. Then if a player wants to use it they can, or they can store it for later.
    There already exists an XP disabler, and it's not expensive. I don't see any reason to add new items when one already exists for this very purpose.

  32. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by frickinmuck View Post
    There already exists an XP disabler, and it's not expensive. I don't see any reason to add new items when one already exists for this very purpose.
    495 is expensive for a character bound item.
    Tolella Hlothran ~ Minstrel ~ 115
    Officer ~ Phoenix Rising


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