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Quality Assurance Team Lead
The Lord of the Rings Online
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf
Not that I agree with Melkorben but yellow LM already is braindead class,mostly thanks to content being full nuke one target.Saving grace can only be fight that requires you to do more than just debuff one target however those dont exist anymore.Pet rotation is one of most ######## things I have seen,windlore spam is close 2nd one.Lack of variety of debuffs outside of pets is garbage design.
I wouldn't say that considering a good LM can still use a variety of skills to help. Most LMs these days don't even know Wind Lore spreads Lores. But the guy's been on a rant for months trying to even take that away from LMs cause....actually I dunno. I'm still in favour of pre-HD LM that had a lot more variety but it'd be very hard to remake/retromake it these days and highly unlikely it'll ever happen.
On what exactly you don't "agree" with me m8?
Are you saying that you are happy or fine with that LM tooltip update?
I mean ppl apparently so boring from that "LM braindead" that mentioned here that they are "dps" while they "supporting", like what can LM do/contribute on a phase that needs to reduce 150 mil in 45 sec while keeping all offensives buffs up?
LM's are dated, have many skills and legacies that not relevant to end game.
The only relevant role is at raid on Yellow/blue while support is not needed outside the raid...
Funny thing - we try to check something in AM on Bullroarer, and you can't discover it, because no one complete Erebor Secret Stone questlines on test server. Even when in E & G tavern NPC allow you discover this instance, you still can't enter. Only copied from live servers characters who open AM able go inside on test server
Never said I was satisfied with tooltip change,and dont want to write wall of text here that concerns redline to make it good/viable or whatever.
Current itemisation that offers nothing unique and is just mordor scaled gear is biggest problem this game has imo,sure content design and class balance is flawed,but noo variety,no multple set bonuses,no uniqe essece and so on makes game stale and offers very little incentive to play.
I dont think any decent LM runs Yellow/Blue.Most are Yellow/Red.You would be suprised how much DPS you can actualy do esp in short nuke phases.Catmint is curently useless.Support is more or less needed for 6 man also and works fine in 3 man.Will stop here as this is not thread for it.
Rip guards
I've found myself just going yellow/red all the time lately; my 2 builds are now just pure yellow/red and yellow/red with a bit of blue (mainly because I like the eagle). I wish the LM would've gotten at least a few more changes this build, but atm I've more concerned with guards since my other char (and former main) is one. Namely, I don't like that nothing further was changed this build; I'm now worried that this version of Break Ranks is going to go all the way to live despite the pleas from guards to simply make Break Ranks a skill and not attach it to shield-taunt or shield-smash.
Mydiel 140 LM
Uulanel 140 GRD
Who cares about the LM and guard classes being messed up, or the warden class even, SSG will just make new classes. Brawler class to rule them all.
It's the right place to raise it up and not in one of the dark corners in this forum that no one read.
Forget the red line- I don't care about it- concentrate only on the support role and save your good wall of text for another day m8 (and I'm really want to know your thought about it m8).
Yes, Yellow/blue meaning became less "supporting" while you have fewer skills and legacies to influence the raid.
Catmint dont needed anymore while you have great healing but what another choice we have?
DPS on Yellow/red: yes, you can do some DPS but- what about the lack of dps that you are causing by lag during that way??
Even when I duo Rako as an DD, much lower lvl boss, and I'm Red/blue and not using ANY support skills, meaning I'm full DPS, it takes me approx 5 min to reduce 25 mil- how much I can reduce for exp. under B2 T3 first phase for 45 sec? is it worth the effort while causing lag to entire raid on that way?
If you take 1/12 as a support role I expect him to be full support all the time, one of the best support skills that LM have is NOT CAUSUING LAG.
I understand that if you dont have any hunters in the group you have some time use dots so why not, its nice to have I guess not more than that.
6/6 no one runs anymore, the new one I guess LM will have its basic role.
3/3 can be done much faster and easier without LM: Cappy + 2x dps.
Noone will lag more because of LM than they already do.Its irelevent that you can do 3 man with cap and x2 dps(and tbh combo of LM cap and dps that syncs with lm one of best setups for almost every 3 man).Like I said your sustained DPS in yellow is not that big but still worth implementing,there is more than enough time to keep all debuffs help with water lore and keep burning embers up and its obvious that if you dont have time to DPS due to whatever mechanic you sacrfice your dps for keeping up support.
Pet debuffs for start should be reworked to require less of their constant resummoning and refreshing and move/attach debuffs/buffs to lore master skills.
Here is clear example: sing of power see all ends is useless skill unless you are using old set for crit chance trough BB.Change this skill to have 5% inc crit by default for example,burning embers/gust of wind can apply their own unique debuffs.There is so much skills that you can attach small buffs/debuffs to to make interesting rotation that requires more then pet spam to fully help your group.
We can all bring are sugestions here but what is the fking point,just look at class changes we got already,guardian mostly(not to mention warden NS still didnt get fix).
Running 6/3 man will happen when there is incentive to run them>unique loot/proper itemisation gating unique setbonuses/gear pieces behind different instance.
There is so much things that they can add that would be easy to code but I guess morale bubble for everyone is peak of their imagination.
As soon as I use LS, Ring of fire or Sticky Gourd we all start to lag or get a huge lag spikes- this is damaging the entire dps raid and mechanics.
These dot's (BE) on a T3 raid and higher is worthless like using Sign of Power: See All Ends, Improved Sign of Power: Command or all the LM effects (turn up the heat, winter storm, adding injurt to insult...)
You can "squeeze" some dps from them only if the mob/boss is stationery using cat+raven, tar, any lighting skill and the lag'y Sticky Gourd. if you want more than that use staff sweep before that- now- is this sound logic to ask from the support role to do?
I understand that you have time to do it m8 and its possible but my question is: after you learn and invest time and real money on a supporting toon, do you want to play like that?
If I recruit a Mechanical engineer or a Chemist to my department I won't ask them while they are doing their job to do some work in the warehouse even if they can- this is not their main role!
Last edited by Melkorben; Sep 30 2020 at 03:31 AM.
Yea but I didnt say thats how I want to play support,I have said debuffs/buffs should be spread over other skills to step away from current most boring buff/debuff rotation.
If I am filling spot ill do as much as I can to contribute to group,and atm that is DPSing as much as possible while providing buffs/debuffs.
LS,RoF,Sticky gourd dont cause any more lag than any other #### being thrown in raid.I have more problems with hunter stack spaming QS droping my fps to ~avg 5 constantly than I have with any other effect.
What happens to people who used the race change token? Does not look natural ?
After relogg the problem is solved from alone, but looks anyway not natural...
If I didn't get any complaints from 11/12 players about lag causing and also from myself I wouldn't mind helping "DPS" but even so on T3 and higher it's too low to even bother.
How much time does it take you to kill one of the 6 mil (or so) trash on the way to B1 at T3?
How much mil's do you reduce in 45 sec under 1 phase of B2 on T3?
Sure, it accumulates to the overall raid DPS but is it even wroth to use and makes lags?
As similar to reduce 45k crit rating using "See All Ends" I don't see any logic to DPS with a support LM during T3 raid and higher but I respect other player's ways to play this game.
There are many skills that LM has that they "nice to have" and nothing more than that.
If you dps or not no one really feels it except for lags.
My personal feeling- I don't like it!
...magically does something good... This is one of the thing im talking about. What is this comment for, how does it help devs? Its just piece of your sh8t, nothing else. Constructive criticism is the one thing, negative opinions here and there dont help at all. There are plenty of ppl with constructive criticism, doesnt look for me like you are one of them. Thats why you probably answered to my comment which wasnt adressed to you. Not sure why you say about 2 or more games, coz its obvious, you can do whatever you want. Not like i try to make someone to do what i want, its your problem if you take my comment too personal. I dont know you and dont care about your opinion most of the time coz they do consist of you expecting that *SSG magically does something good* but it doesnt happen. Also there is a life rule: your expectations are your problem, if you get too disappointed about game then you probably should rethink your behavior. What i expect to see on forum is mor mature opinions, looks like you are not one of those guys.
Dont want to spend your money on it? Someone is making you? Not worth your efforts to try? Dont see any problems on your side? I have bad news for you then. Last thing is i dont need your answer, this is was my answer to your comment and if you still didnt get my point i dont see any reason to continue, not like i did see it before.
Good to see the skill queue changes rolled back, but only able to check it out briefly on a 32 bit client not my dx11 64-bit client.
I was taken aback by the live launcher stating a maintenance period but with a restart "normal" timeframe. Got me to test the skill queue though, I'd thank you but why did it become a thing in the first place?