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Results 251 to 260 of 260
  1. #251
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by danr607 View Post
    Thank you!!!

    Also, please bring back old Plains Outpost!

    This may have been asked before, but if EC/OC is moving, will Lugz and TR rezz move back to the original positions? Will the outposts also be moved back?
    I really like all the proposed changes in favor of older location on camps and outposts, making these more interesting. OPes right now are situaten on the map in 2 clusters. So, 4 OP but 2 location. This can be a bit better considered. And camps should directly participate in defending / taking of TA as everyone already expressed here. All this can obviously relate to res spota. But all that was already mentioned, very well.


  2. #252
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Really like the map that was put together by a contributor in this thread:


  3. #253
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    While we are writing about all these dreams of where OC should be located people are rank farming MADLY. If it is not going to be somehow taken care of. Well you know this is really all pointless.

  4. #254
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Good to see some progress, finally
    Make Moors Great Again - Crickhollow
    Ishlan, Sahlin
    too many creeps and freeps to list all

  5. #255
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I know this might be an unpopular idea to some. But I cant help but notice a lot of PVMP activity ends up being Grams and GV camps. Any time one side has more numbers than the other it often results in a camp. And standoffs are only fun for archers and burgs/wargs. The incentives for taking keeps and outposts provide buffs but no actual rewards, other than a 1/day quest, so the incentive to do them is minimal. I cant help but feel if taking a keep/outpost gave at least a marginal amount of comms and renown/infamy and maybe the quests gave a bit more it might promote the spreading out and utilization of the whole map. So instead of being trapped at a home base, the side with lower population could go out and focus on objectives which would spread out the disparity of numbers and more equal and dynamic fights would occur all over the map instead of just camping. Worst case scenario things just get flipped back and forth over and over but at least the activity would be out in the map. Any thoughts on this idea? The concept is that strengthening Objective driven play, results in PVP that just... happens and is dynamic and fun and creates itself. Ganks. Mind battles. Spying. All that fun stuff.

  6. #256
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Pequen View Post
    I know this might be an unpopular idea to some. But I cant help but notice a lot of PVMP activity ends up being Grams and GV camps. Any time one side has more numbers than the other it often results in a camp. And standoffs are only fun for archers and burgs/wargs. The incentives for taking keeps and outposts provide buffs but no actual rewards, other than a 1/day quest, so the incentive to do them is minimal. I cant help but feel if taking a keep/outpost gave at least a marginal amount of comms and renown/infamy and maybe the quests gave a bit more it might promote the spreading out and utilization of the whole map. So instead of being trapped at a home base, the side with lower population could go out and focus on objectives which would spread out the disparity of numbers and more equal and dynamic fights would occur all over the map instead of just camping. Worst case scenario things just get flipped back and forth over and over but at least the activity would be out in the map. Any thoughts on this idea? The concept is that strengthening Objective driven play, results in PVP that just... happens and is dynamic and fun and creates itself. Ganks. Mind battles. Spying. All that fun stuff.
    You see the problem but your solution is wrong.

    The whole reason everyone likes old OC/EC better is because those 2 along with Tol Ascarnen used to be the main focus of PvMP.
    When they gave Outposts more relevance, moved OC/EC, added auto-flips and added backdoors (In an attempt to spread the action just like you suggest), the focus on Tol Ascarnen was completely lost and most action became Grams-Lug, TR-GV.

    I would bet most people who played during those old times want that dynamic back, me included. It's just a better experience. (I am not sure that moving EC/OC back would return the old dynamic though.)
    Make Moors Great Again - Crickhollow
    Ishlan, Sahlin
    too many creeps and freeps to list all

  7. #257
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Beta 2 U31 PvsMP Feedback!

    Good Day @Fants_SSG!


    • The creeps are still way too strong! Despite the fact that they have only 25 Audacity!
    • Freeps only have with T4 Ettenmoors Equipment 45 Audacity instead of 50, and are still to weak!
    • Please add fate to the Etten equipment, as I don't think players will want to slot Fate essences to avoid power problems (with the exception of the Beorning).
    • Near the Glân Vraig Stablemaster is a Invisible wall at position 21.2S, 13.2W!
    • Tol Ascarnen front entrance orc stuck in the wall at position 16.8S, 17.2W
    • Stone stuck point in Coldfells (sometimes you are bugged in the stone) at position 18.0S, 15.0W.
    • OC/EC are still not in their old places.
    • Please lower or remove the log out lock from freep to creep as they are simply unnecessary as almost everyone has a 2.account nowadays.
    • Flickering and unnatural looking glow throughout the Ettenmoors.
    • Monster players must have it just as hard as the freep players to take a keep or an outpost!
    • Only players who are no more than 5 levels below the current level cap should be able to enter the Ettenmoors!
    • No PvE raid armor allowed in the Ettenmoors!
    • PvsMP is currently not balanced, it must be at least 1vs1 possible unless you are on a Tank skill or Healing skill tree!
    • For the monster players I have an idea how to get Audacity..., 500 or 1'000 Commendations per Audacity rank.

    Please @Fants_SSG show us next week as much of the changes as possible among others also the map changes.
    Last edited by Nanganark; Oct 27 2021 at 04:58 PM.

  8. #258
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Fants_SSG View Post
    I ended up removing the backdoors altogether instead of fixing them due to the responses in this thread.
    Oh my. Looks like I could be blowing dust off my stick and returning to action. Throw in an end to the auto flipping of keeps and I'll be stopping by again more than once a year to collect my fireworks and have an anniversary dance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saruman_Of_Numbers View Post
    a virtual chicken hat that shoots fireworks out its butt
    My goblin scribe Maude is being sent to run laps around the Moors for failing to report the existence of such a treasure.
    Last edited by ThingoMD; Oct 27 2021 at 11:48 PM.
    Thingo MD - Evernight

  9. #259
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Blato View Post
    You see the problem but your solution is wrong.

    The whole reason everyone likes old OC/EC better is because those 2 along with Tol Ascarnen used to be the main focus of PvMP.
    When they gave Outposts more relevance, moved OC/EC, added auto-flips and added backdoors (In an attempt to spread the action just like you suggest), the focus on Tol Ascarnen was completely lost and most action became Grams-Lug, TR-GV.

    I would bet most people who played during those old times want that dynamic back, me included. It's just a better experience. (I am not sure that moving EC/OC back would return the old dynamic though.)
    EC/OC being put back would require NPCs to pack a punch in keeps.

    Back during Kelsen's work, he removed ~25% of the NPCs in the keeps and on the bridges, and the scaling changes between pelennor, mordor up till now have meant that NPC's became wet noodles.

    A change to those two things, and lug rez back to its original spot would most likely lead to the old shuffle routine once again.

  10. #260
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Its all very well thinking about changes with the PvMP but with the awful lag its impossible to play. Don't even think about fighting in a keep. it always has been bad but nowadays we cant even move in Grams sometimes.
    Stop That! It's extremely silly!


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