Originally Posted by
Is it really bad though? I was never offended I've run into lvl 50 Half-orcs in Breelands or Dourhands in front of Sarnur (if anything it made me excited for what the future holds and willing to explore even more!), and, also... those mobs are still in the game and I don't hear anybody complaining or trying to remove them.
There is a bit of a difference between walking into a level 50 area as a level 20, where you can likely still escape with your life intact, and a zone that is above level 105, when they drastically increased the upwards difficulty curve. A level 50 half orc or dourhand chasing you after he took about half your health is one thing, you can likely escape....
A level 140 mob of any kind is a death sentence similarly to the Steps of Gram one-shotters in Ettenmoors. You see the mob......and you get to click "retreat" or "revive" less than 1 second later. 
So I get Scenario's concern. There is an obvious zone barrier between Misty Mountains and vales of Anduin, but not so much between Lothlorien and Anduin. In both cases they made the access a bit hard to find, and you really have to know where you are going.
Also, at that point you have gone way past the "Undying" title deed, where if you are in the new Cardolan area as a sub-level 20 happily exploring the story and you run into a level 140 area..... you aren't going to be too happy 
I think it would not be too far fetched to see South Gondor as a "stand alone" level 140 area, as the jump from 100/105 isn't as deadly, and after that maybe some level 50/60 "Moria alternative" leveling zones in southern Eriador, to build a bit of a "buffer" so to speak between lower and higher level zones. It's a bit less "deadly" to put a zone like that in between Cardolan, and wherever a future high level zone might be.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.