Pvmp update, guard/tank update and rk update have been the biggest topics of lotro 2020 and everyone wants it.
If you create 1000 topics about guardian doesn't means "everyone" wants it. And I have creep and know how many people "care" about PvP. And developers already state what RK fine and wasn't broken - he have broken damage in the past, and developers 100% don't want to bring it back. Even people who have RK agreed what he was broken before fixes
U29 don't have any content for creeps, so they can ignore "Feedback" about that
Originally Posted by Elmagor
If you create 1000 topics about guardian doesn't means "everyone" wants it. And I have creep and know how many people "care" about PvP. And developers already state what RK fine and wasn't broken - he have broken damage in the past, and developers 100% don't want to bring it back. Even people who have RK agreed what he was broken before fixes
Originally Posted by Elmagor
You really want to see update based on guardian fixes and creep buffs? 0.05% of player base really want to see it
If you create 1000 topics about guardian doesn't means "everyone" wants it. And I have creep and know how many people "care" about PvP. And developers already state what RK fine and wasn't broken - he have broken damage in the past, and developers 100% don't want to bring it back. Even people who have RK agreed what he was broken before fixes
Even if you don't know or don't see problems, doesn't mean they don't exist. If there's smoke, there's fire. It's as simple as that.
People complain because they care, and I think we should appreciate the fact that some people still care and are trying to make things better.
If you create 1000 topics about guardian doesn't means "everyone" wants it. And I have creep and know how many people "care" about PvP. And developers already state what RK fine and wasn't broken - he have broken damage in the past, and developers 100% don't want to bring it back. Even people who have RK agreed what he was broken before fixes
And literally every single person in the threads was agreeing to a guard/tank update. Go read all of them back and read the guardian forum itself too while ur at it. A ton of people agreed to it.
And ohwow devs say something is fine all of a sudden means it is?? rks are literally doing half the dps of other classes on their dps lines while providing zero support that makes up for it. That is not even close to fine. Everyone agreed that rks were stupid OP with ceaseless spam but everyone also agrees that rk dps now is straight up garbage waste at this point.
Even now everyone is disagreeing with you, seems like you are the 0,05% buddy.
I'm really trying to keep my hopes above the waterline with this game as of late and I keep coming back to the same questions: What is the point of a beta server when the feedback is ignored? Why are glaring design flaws with class unbalance, instance design, mechanics, and pvmp (not that I am a participator of the latter) being permitted to bypass the Palantir Program, the literal first line of playtest, to be shown off on Bullroarer like proud achievements to mixed or worse response. Why is there such a disconnect between the state of the game as intended, the state of the game to the players, and the state of the game to the developers, and why isnt that disconnect better addressed?
And lastly, how can I help fix this game going forward?
Ive been on a binge of testing nearly every style of debuff I can think of for mechanics not currently working and other oddities I find in the process and submit bug reports.
I submit applications to the Palantir monthly even though I know the program is basically on hold cause the world (or just the US at this point) is on fire.
Where does one apply to be a QC member? Or can I volunteer for a part time position?
FoL was changed because it was very clearly broken at lower levels.
You can blame the ongoing PVP event if you wish, but the fact is that competitive play is very good at highlighting specific issues like that, which otherwise tend to fly under our radar because people tend not to comment on the low level game very much.
On the plus side, Guardians ARE due for an update soon, so I'll be looking at their general balance. I'm also going to be trying to improve the role of BPE in the game as a whole, so they will likely benefit from that as well.
Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids
Cooldown for Thrill of Battle heal reduced to [20->8s].
Stoic bubble now provides damage reduction during its effect rather than a heal on expiration.
"Bellow" trait reduces Challenge cooldown by 5s per rank. Trait tooltip has been updated to reflect this.
Break Ranks now applies a group-wide buff rather than individual.
The skill is now triggered by Shield-taunt rather than Shield-smash.
This buff can only be triggered once every 60 seconds.
Fortification can now begin rebuilding immediately after being cashed out.
Is incredibly disappointing...
@SSG, can you please inform us if we can expect any further guardian changes soon?
I'm really trying to keep my hopes above the waterline with this game as of late and I keep coming back to the same questions: What is the point of a beta server when the feedback is ignored? Why are glaring design flaws with class unbalance, instance design, mechanics, and pvmp (not that I am a participator of the latter) being permitted to bypass the Palantir Program, the literal first line of playtest, to be shown off on Bullroarer like proud achievements to mixed or worse response. Why is there such a disconnect between the state of the game as intended, the state of the game to the players, and the state of the game to the developers, and why isnt that disconnect better addressed?
And lastly, how can I help fix this game going forward?
Ive been on a binge of testing nearly every style of debuff I can think of for mechanics not currently working and other oddities I find in the process and submit bug reports.
I submit applications to the Palantir monthly even though I know the program is basically on hold cause the world (or just the US at this point) is on fire.
Where does one apply to be a QC member? Or can I volunteer for a part time position?
You're not alone, I was pretty much in the same boat as you a few months ago: trying to understand what was going wrong with a game I loved so much, desperate for any chance to help what I perceived to be a well-intentioned but mis-managed dev studio.
At this point like everyone else I've just given up. Better to detach now to save further heartbreak when things continue to go downhill.
You're not alone, I was pretty much in the same boat as you a few months ago: trying to understand what was going wrong with a game I loved so much, desperate for any chance to help what I perceived to be a well-intentioned but mis-managed dev studio.
At this point like everyone else I've just given up. Better to detach now to save further heartbreak when things continue to go downhill.
I refuse to believe that giving up hope is better in the long run for the game. I just want to help
I refuse to believe that giving up hope is better in the long run for the game. I just want to help
Better for the game? I'm sure it's not. Better for ourselves? Most probably. There's countless thousands of games & game studios out there who would be grateful for our interest & for our money, rather than grabbing as much of it as they possibly can, then slapping us in the face & demanding more, and giving us stone cold silence when we try and air our dissatisfaction.
Bullroarer is OPENServer Closing Time: Thursday, 10/0/ 5:00 PM EDT (Subject to change).
Light-type Damage DoTs from the Warden Trait Set-Bonus "Martial Fury" have been re-worked to scale properly with the player's primary weapon.
Warden Skills Marked Target, Diminished Target, and Fire At Will are now categorized as Javelin Skills instead of Javelin Gambits
Warden Trait Set bonus "Makeshift Caltrops" will no longer affect enemies who are normally immune to Slowing effects.
The Rune-keeper deed "The Prophetic Word" can now be advanced by the skilll "Scribe a New Ending".
Rune-keeper skill 'Scribe a New Ending' may be used while moving
Well now yellow wardens are going to be useless in REM because the only thing that made them viable was the javelin slow. While I admit this skill's effects should have been addressed long ago, it is almost too little too late at this point, since many people started playing yellow warden precisely for the purpose of using the hampering javelin debuff. I'm not at level cap myself, but I can say with a great deal of certainty that there are requests for Yellow Warden for REM every day in world chat (on Landy anyway). Shame that the utility of the class can be won or lost over 1 skill.
On that note, it would be nice if not EVERY single raid boss was immune to slow debuffs or FMs. Makes CC classes like burg or yellow LM limited in their repertoire of skills.
Also, RK cure changes ought to be addressed further - either give it a longer cooldown or a shorter duration. I was fighting an RK on spider and they literally didn't drop any health at all because they could spam cure any poison dot placed on them. 3 cures over 6 seconds on 8s cooldown probably merits a small increase in recharge. And before people respond with gripes about PvP performance of skills being irrelevant — for comparisons sake, look at the cooldown and power cost of "Scribe New Ending" compared to other classes like Champ or Warden that are left to dry. Adding 4 or 5s cd would be negligible on RK in PvE, and might be enough to fix some of the PvP disparity.
With that being said, would be nice to let Champs remove 2 debuffs, and same with wardens. Reducing the power costs of their respective cure skills (664 power on 130 warden First Aid) would be a welcome change too.
Last edited by fmac81; Oct 05 2020 at 11:14 PM.
Servers: Bullroarer, Gladden, Landroval (new primary), Arkenstone (Grimmtail)
Long live Dwarrowdelf server! You shall be missed!
Well now yellow wardens are going to be useless in REM because the only thing that made them viable was the javelin slow. While I admit this skill's effects should have been addressed long ago, it is almost too little too late at this point, since many people started playing yellow warden precisely for the purpose of using the hampering javelin debuff. I'm not at level cap myself, but I can say with a great deal of certainty that there are requests for Yellow Warden for REM every day in world chat (on Landy anyway). Shame that the utility of the class can be won or lost over 1 skill.
On that note, it would be nice if not EVERY single raid boss was immune to slow debuffs or FMs. Makes CC classes like burg or yellow LM limited in their repertoire of skills.
Sadly slow had to go since it had potential to ruin future raids/boss fights by just kiting boss.It was used to kite 1st boss with ease and that is simply problem with boss design(you can kite it without slow/run speed buffs).Only difference pugs will take less melee on fire phase(poor design even tho you can run trough spiderlings) and you will have to dps double the amount.It hurts only 1st boss farms but people will get used to it.
Ward has much bigger problem that went under the radar for years and that is Aggravating Wounds trait(10% crit chance for dots) not working at all.
Well now yellow wardens are going to be useless in REM because the only thing that made them viable was the javelin slow. While I admit this skill's effects should have been addressed long ago, it is almost too little too late at this point, since many people started playing yellow warden precisely for the purpose of using the hampering javelin debuff. I'm not at level cap myself, but I can say with a great deal of certainty that there are requests for Yellow Warden for REM every day in world chat (on Landy anyway). Shame that the utility of the class can be won or lost over 1 skill.
On that note, it would be nice if not EVERY single raid boss was immune to slow debuffs or FMs. Makes CC classes like burg or yellow LM limited in their repertoire of skills.
Also, RK cure changes ought to be addressed further - either give it a longer cooldown or a shorter duration. I was fighting an RK on spider and they literally didn't drop any health at all because they could spam cure any poison dot placed on them. 3 cures over 6 seconds on 8s cooldown probably merits a small increase in recharge. And before people respond with gripes about PvP performance of skills being irrelevant — for comparisons sake, look at the cooldown and power cost of "Scribe New Ending" compared to other classes like Champ or Warden that are left to dry. Adding 4 or 5s cd would be negligible on RK in PvE, and might be enough to fix some of the PvP disparity.
With that being said, would be nice to let Champs remove 2 debuffs, and same with wardens. Reducing the power costs of their respective cure skills (664 power on 130 warden First Aid) would be a welcome change too.
Yellow wardens are still relevant in the raid - you want to have one in your raid, a warden pretty much only goes red if you already have another yellow warden - their DPS is on a similar level but yellow line increases your raid's DPS by a bit more.
CC is also surprisingly relevant in Remmo. It's useless on first boss, that's true, but it's very useful on 2nd boss to keep flies away from group, first phase of third boss puts a lot of emphasis on FMs (I personally don't like that mechanic much, tbh) and on CCing the 2 adds. And on boss 4 it's absolutely crucial during add phases (not in t1 but in t2+). Remmo actually works quite well for employing CC into fight strategies, but even in boss 1 where there's nothing to CC both burg and LM have enough things to do to not get bored.
RK cleanse is insane and I agree that it should be changed (probably together with DPS RK specs' survivability), but I'm not so sure about buffing warden/champ cleanse. Wardens are more or less fine with one debuff removed every 5 seconds without an extremely long animation and champs can easily make up for their lacking cleanse skill by using CBR and just resisting almost everything. The only change I'd be fine with seeing regarding that would be removing the silly need to have a swappy LI for cleanse cooldown reduction.